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[ic] sendmail problems

On Wed, 24 Jul 2002, Ronald Weinrich wrote:

RW>>on my webserver is a user "interch" who should send the order-mail to
RW>> (the account is working )
RW>>if I  launch a order in IC
RW>>I get a mail in interch.mailbox  (on the webserver) with the header of
RW>>the original mess was.....
RW>>from: interch@localhost
RW>>----------- the following addresses had permanent fatal errors ---------
RW>>   (reason:  550 5 1. 1. usr unknown)

I believe that it is telling you that you do not have any user on your
system named 'orders'.
I suspect that if you either add a user (with password) named 'orders', or you
go into your aliases file (perhaps /etc/mail/aliases) and add someone named
orders that is aliased to someone else (perhaps interch) and run
'newaliases' that it will work.

(E-mail me off the list if you need help with this.

RW>>I don't why   the recipient is on host sendmail
RW>>I checked MX with nslookup the record is ok as I can see.  :)
RW>>webserver on  host
RW>>sendmail on host

In a later message someone pointed out that these two IP addresses don't
resolve. That is something that needs a high priority for fixing.

There is a hack floating around for sendmail that will reject all mail that
comes in where the IP address that hits my system must resolve, or the mail
is refused. Spammers get Class C licenses in large blocks and do the minimum
to make them usable. They pretty much use them once and throw them away.
They don't bother to set up the reverse look-up.

However, this list is being run on an IP address that the DNS Administrator
has never bothered to properly set up the reverse lookups. I had to
specifically list it in the white list.

This is a truly effective block (at least this month) to keep out spammers.

My point is that with your reverse look-ups not configured you may have
future problems delivering mail to other systems.

I am not a DNS expert (I can barely do enough to keep my own working!) But,
I will be happy to try to help you off the list if you need some help.

-= Jim =-

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