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[ic] GlobalSub Overriding not seen in Authorizenet

Hello All,

I am trying to override the logDebug function by creating
a GlobalSub which gets included in my interchange.cfg.
This works when I call Debug from my html pages and
the usertags. However from the Authorizenet and the 
UserDB modules for example, the old logDebug function
still gets used.

How can I use my new logDebug in
without editing directly the module?

I tried putting the line "Require module Vend::Payment::AuthorizeNet"
after the include of the GlobalSub in the interchange.cfg
file to see if this would allow Authorizenet to recognise the
overriding module, but didnt work.

Many thanks


My new logDebug:

GlobalSub <<EOR
sub new_util {
    BEGIN {
        package Vend::Util;

        sub logDebug {

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