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[ic] RE: GlobalSub Overriding not seen in Authorizenet

> I am trying to override the logDebug function by creating
> a GlobalSub which gets included in my interchange.cfg.
> This works when I call Debug from my html pages and
> the usertags. However from the Authorizenet and the 
> UserDB modules for example, the old logDebug function
> still gets used.
> How can I use my new logDebug in
> without editing directly the module?

You can overide any function, which will be seen by both
inside safe, the usertags and the interchange library functions
by including a new library module at the end of interchange.cfg:

Module require Vend::Mynewpackage

Then in lib/Vend/

package Vend::Util;
sub logDebug
   print "Llamando a logDebug overrideado\n";

package main;
*logDebug = \&Vend::Util::logDebug;

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