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[ic] XLS -> Tab Delimited = too many "

G Guttero wrote:
> When I save my products.xls file as a tab delimited file to 
> upload to IC, it 
> adds a bunch of " characters.  They show up around any entry 
> that has a , or 
> " character in it, and all " characters are doubled.  Can 
> this be fixed so 
> that all the " characters aren't added?  Thanks!
> - Grant

excel does that and I don't think you can stop it.  you 
need to either import the data into a db like access first
and then output it to a txt tab delimited, as access will
give you much more in the way of formating options.

otherwise, open up your products.txt in notepad (something
that will not mess stuff up) and "replace" all of the (") with
nothing and they will be removed, however, keep in mind
that if you have other (") like the "inches" mark or something
they will come out as well and could mess up your data.


Aaron Hazelton

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