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[ic] My solution to modular options . . . almost

I've been working on a way around the failings of modular options in 
Interchange 4.8x.  My problem was allowing a customer to create a 
custome bridal veil with multiple layers and options for those layers. 
After several ideas, I finally came up with a method of using several 
pages to make a multistep process for creating a custom veil.  I've done 
most of the work, but there is one little hitch that needs to be worked out.

Basicly there are three steps, each step a different page showing 
products from different categories.  One page is trims, another accents, 
another options.  After selecting a trim for example(choosing a product 
from the trim category) the user clicks a button that says "add trim" 
and goes straight to the next step.  On clicking the button, the product 
goes to the cart, and the user is directed to a new page which lists the 
products from the next category.  The problem is the seach for the 
category seems to work, but no results are found.

Here is the code that should pass the seach through:
<FORM ACTION="[area order]" METHOD=POST>
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_order_item"  VALUE="[item-code]">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_session_id" VALUE="[data session id]">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_searchtype" VALUE="db">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_search_file" VALUE="products">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_search_field" VALUE="category">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_sort_field" VALUE="description">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_searchspec" VALUE="Layer1 Trims">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_nextpage" VALUE="veil_layer1_step2">

This has the all the options (I think), as the category link in the left 
menu.  That link successfully shows the right page (veil_layer1_step2 in 
this case), and seaches for "Layer1 Trims" in the category field of the 
product table.

But when I pass the seachspec variable to the nextpage, I get the 
following message "Sorry, no matches for Layer1 Trims".  And at the 
bottom of the page, this message:"Errors: No search was found"  I'm 
basicly using the standard results.html code.

I'm sure this is a stupid error, but I've tried and tried and can't seem 
to find it.  Can anyone see what I've overlooked?


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