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[ic] Admin Order Entry

I have run into a serious issue with entering orders through the admin
interface. It seems this issue was raised a while ago:

Although no resolution was really given.  After following the
suggestions in the postings, I still have problems.  When I place an
order in the admin UI, I am logged out and greeted with the admin login
page.  The order gets entered, but I get no confirmation and when I go
back to order entry after logging back in, the fields are still occupied
by the previous order, making it /seem/ as though the order has not been
entered. This poses serious problems for our CSRs entering orders
because they have no way of immediately telling if an order has gone
through not to mention how confusing the whole thing looks.  Any ideas
anyone? Has this been discussed further in a later thread?  If so I
could not find it.


Andrew Baerg
Edge Marketing 
Calgary, AB

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