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[ic] performance / flushing pages

Hi all!!

I have pages that do the following:


  ... some static content, headers, images and titles ...

         a lot of processing

  ... some footer ...


The [perl] portion may take a long time, say 4 or 5 seconds. When I load a
page like this, NOTHING appears until all the tags have been evaluated. One
can think that the server could start sending all the static content above
the first tag, then continue throwing data as tags evaluate. There would be
a noticeable performance gain because:

1. The perception of the user is that the server responds very quickly (even
though the page takes 5 seconds to fully load).

2. while the tag evaluates the client browser can start rendering the HTML
page and grabbing the heading images.

But I just can't get this on interchange. Does anybody know...?


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