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[ic] Upgrading

"I have a working 4.6.0 cart that I would like to upgrade to
4.8.4.....Has anybody done something similar on a production server and
kept notes?" of these days I am going to start doing that. Seems like
a good idea. 

I have done it from 4.6 to 4.8, but I like to do everything on separate
boxes. Interchange for a single user runs pretty good on quite a hunk of
junk, so we have beta servers (A.K.A. Someone's old Junker PC)  

I migrated the entire catalog from a text-file based catalog to a
database based catalog with out to many problems. I just wrote some
scripts to import the data. 

Ideally you have a couple of servers to do this with and it should not
take you more than about a day. 

You should have no problems. Good Luck. 

Fred Pope

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