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[ic] passwording admin area via Apache

> Here is a prayrer to the FAQ god (the programmer formerly known as
> please put this in.

    I was thinking about this issue for the last couple of weeks.  We need
some sort of knowledgebase building system that anyone can contribute to.
It could be something simple for starters, just a way for people to enter a
description of some piece of information they have and to enter the
information itself.  This would all be searchable.  I know it's similar to
the mailing list search but that returns a lot of extraneous information.
After I work through issues through my own research and help from the
mailing list, I would be more than happy to input the item into some sort of
knowledgebase system.  I suspect others would as well.  The system could
track the most requested items for display on a FAQ page.  It could be the
start of something great.


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