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[ic] Interchange 4,8,5 and PayFlow Link

Matthew Villa Put together an 8 step process.  Works like a charm  Here it
is along with some extra notes:

My extra noptes for Step 5:  if you can't create a symbolic link to the
pfpro files - just copy everything relevant in that directory into your
usr/local/interchange/bin.(not the readme and examples..) once you
havecopied the certs and either linked or copied the executables - you don't
need anything else in the Verisign SDK

Here are Matthew Steps:

Step 1:

You must copy over your Payflow SDK certificate to your interchange
directory. Lets say your Interchange directory is /usr/local/interchange

Then create the dir certs under the lib dir. So, you have the dir

Copy the certificate from your Payflow SDK dir which is usually located
at:  /usr/local/payflow/certs/f73e89fd.0
to /usr/local/interchange/lib/certs

I heard an alternative way of doing this is to set your PFPRO_CERT_PATH
variable to the location to your certificate. Or, another thing you
could do is create a symbolic link.

Step 2:

Edit your catalog.cfg for your cart and add configure these variables:
Variable        MV_PAYMENT_MODE         signio
Variable        MV_PAYMENT_SECRET       your password
Variable        MV_PAYMENT_ID           your login id
Variable        MV_PAYMENT_VENDOR       verisign
Variable        SIGNIO_SERVER 
Variable        SIGNIO_SECRET           your password
Variable        SIGNIO_ID               your login id
Variable        SIGNIO_PARTNER          verisign

By default the Signio payment module will create a sale transaction. If
you want to perform only an authorization add this to your catalog.cfg

Route signio transaction auth

Then, you can look at your transaction ID for that authorization in the
order_id column in your transaction table in the database.

Step 3:

Determine if the directive CreditCardAuto is set to "yes" in your
catalog.cfg file. If so, comment out that directive by placing a pound
sign in front of it or change the value to no.

Step 4:

Download the latest Signio payment module here:

Copy that file to interchange home dir/lib/Vend/Payment which is usually


Save the file as and that will overwrite your current payment

Step 5:

Create a symbolic link to the pfpro file to the /usr/bin path.
e.g. ln -s /usr/local/payflow/bin/pfpro /usr/bin

Step 6:

Add this to interchange.cfg

Require module Vend::Payment::Signio

Step 7:

Restart Interchange.

Step 8:

Test out the check out process.

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