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[ic] No email when order is completed

I have just finished setting up my PGP keys (and they appear to be
working correctly when I test it from the command line), but now when I
place an order it appears to complete correctly, but it never sends me
an email with the credit card number.  I do get an email address at the
"customer address" confirming the order and the order shows up under the
control panel.

If I look in the error log I do see an entry that says:

PGP failed with status 2:

The following are the settings I have in my catalog.cfg file:

## This route emails the order to you unless email is set to "",
## and failsafe-logs the order report a couple of places
Route main  <<EOF
        attach            0
        credit_card       1
        default           1
        email             '__ORDERS_TO__'
        encrypt           0
        encrypt_program   "__PGP__"
	  errors_to         '__ORDERS_TO__'
        pgp_cc_key        "__PGP_KEY__"
        pgp_key           "__PGP_KEY__"
        receipt           etc/receipt.html
        report            etc/report
        supplant          1
        individual_track  orders
        track             logs/tracking.asc

I searched the archives and didn't come up with anything.  Does anyone
have any ideas?


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