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[ic] Almost... Quantity Discounts on Group

Hopefully this is a clear question. We've been pulling a 
few all nighters in a row trying to complete this 
inplementation in time (running about a day late so not 
bad. Some people launch on Tuesday, right? ;-)

We need to be able to apply a percentage discount on a 
group of different products. For example, if someone 
orders 5 or more DVD's they get 5% off on just that group 
of DVD's. Could be 5 of 1 sku or 5 different skus in the 
group. If they order 10 or more DVD's they are given a 10% 
discount on those. This discount would apply only to those 
items. There would be other groups as well like 15 or more 
Rock CD's, 15% off, etc. 

The sku's on these products all begin with the same 3 
unique letters if that would help. Current shopping cart 
we use supports regular expressions where we can use a 
wildcard after the first 3 letters and any items added to 
the cart matching that expression triggers the quantity 
discount. This is not ideal but we'll take anything right 


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