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[ic] mirroring ic catalogs

> I have catalog that is moving off my development server and onto the live
> server in the next few days.
> What is the safest way of porting the catalog over? I assume i
> cant just zip
> the whole lot up and drop it in the right directory - sounds far to easy?

Try something like:

1) Log in to the UI, export all tables which have changed to the .txt files.
2) Zip/tar up the interchange catalog structure. Exclude the session and tmp
3) Untar in the new location.
4) Make sure the symlinks (images, poss. error.log) are linked correctly.
5) Make sure the permissions are correct for the new server.
6) Set the connection/login details for database if required.
7) Take a copy of the tlink / vlink program from another interchange
installation on the server. Make sure the permissions are correct.
8) Add the catalog to the interchange global configuration file,
9) Restart Interchange and make sure the catalog works.

Another way would be to use makecat on the new server to create a new
catalog and then copy in the appropriate files.

good luck!


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