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[ic] SalesTax -> Trying to put it all together.

         Hey people. Great list. I have plunged in the vast and 
cryptic-voodoo realm of INTERCHANGE about 2 weeks ago. Been rummaging 
through the (very) numerous posts this list has, trying to find how to have 
the demo cart dish out the sales-tax. Some of the vapor has started to lift 
off, but I still can't see my toes !

  I live in Quebec, Canadam so the way it's done on paper is :

         ( subtotal *  1.07 ) * ( 1.075 ) = total    <-- ( Yes, we are 
taxed on our taxes, our govt. is in need. ) hehe.

Basically we have TPS at 7%, and TVQ at 7.5%.


I understand from the postings / articles that there are 3 basic ways to 
apply taxes .... and those have variants.

I think one way is to apply a standard uniform tax-rate in catalog.cfg, it 
didn't seem like my option so I scrapped that.

Another way is the 'VAT' method, as mentionned in a UK-based interchange 
article  --> wich I 
believe assigns taxes to everything in a particular country and other 
taxrates for different categories eg: 'food'  -> I don't believe this is 
what I need.

Yet another method, wich I havent tried 'yet', but has been applied to a 
setup from my country has been to define a 'SalesTax' function, wich is 
called from the checkout page  -->

Yet another post I read resolves the issue I'm having  by adding code to 

The method I believe would apply  best to me is the one where SalesTax 
directive is set to ' multi ' ,  and taxrates are read from state file but 
I ain t too sure at this point. I had double entries in my province list 
when I tried, and tax was only counted once.

I have tried changing setting here and there, to no avail.
I don't really understand wich is important, state.txt OR salestax.asc ?

Or how to have the catalog.cfg point to those ?

Help. Anyone ?


Stephane Gosselin
Développement Internet CFusions

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