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[ic] Two of the Same Item Being Added From List Page

Hey everyone,

I'm having this problem where a user adds a product from the product
list page, 2 of the product is added to the cart. This only occurs when
the user has added a product from the product list page when they are on
page 2 or greater from the result list.

I'm having the product list page post to process.html so then I can then
display the user's basket after adding the item to the cart. I know when
I have the user submit to nothing.html then it doesn't add two or more
of the same item to the cart. However, I can't forward the user to their
cart after they press submit if they are posting to nothing.html (unless
there is a way which I'm not aware of)

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. 

I'm currently on the latest build of IC 4.9.3 (October 27th build). 
I'm running IC on Redhat 7.1 with Apache/1.3.23

I notice that after the URL posts to the form that they are taken to
this URL:

If you notice that the mv_order_quantity name/pair value isn't set.

However, if I had submitted from the results page without clicking on a
page number that value is set to =1 which then adds 1 to the cart
instead of two.

Here's that URL:;

Here's example output from my list page:

<FORM ACTION="/store/cart/process.html?id=cpfmGCcE&mv_pc=178244"
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_session_id value="cpfmGCcE">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_nextpage VALUE="ord/basket">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_action VALUE=refresh>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_separate_items VALUE=0>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_click VALUE=munge_quantity>
<table width="457" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="130" align="center" valign="middle"> 
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="mv_order_item" VALUE="HOOKMOUTH">
<a href="/store/cart/HOOKMOUTH.html?id=cpfmGCcE&mv_pc=178245"> <img
src="items/hookmouth_th.jpg" border="0" /> </a> <img src="sp.gif"
width="130" height="1" alt="" /></td>
<td><a href="/store/cart/HOOKMOUTH.html?id=cpfmGCcE&mv_pc=178246"
class="Pname">Mouthpieces</a> <br />
<span class="pDesc">Bag of 10 plastic mouthpieces</span> <br />
<br />
Our Price: <span class="price">2.00</span> <br />
<br />
<input type=hidden name="mv_oi9" value="">
<input type=text name="mv_order_quantity" size=2 value="1">
<input type="image" src="addtocart_sm.gif" alt="add to cart"
align="middle" width="60" height="23"
onClick="this.form.mv_oi9.value='HOOKMOUTH'" border=0 />
<br />
<span class="shipsIn">Ships in 24-48 Hours</span><br />
<div align="right"><a
class=more><img src="lnav_arr.gif" alt="more info" width="11"
height="16" hspace="2" border="0" align="top">more info</a>&nbsp;<br />
<td width="12">&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan=2>
<hr width="100%" color="#999999" size="1">
<td><img src="sp.gif" width="12" height="1" alt="" /></td>

Anyone have any ideas?



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