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[ic] Matrix options 4.8


I’ve been setting up a store in IC 4.8 and ran into a tricky problem
with the options…

The store is setup for both retail and wholesale users (depending on the
person logging in) and the product options are all set to ‘matrix –
separate widgets’. When I enter the store as a casual user I get the
retail prices as I browse the store and the flypage (product detail)
screen shows the correct retail price for each item and the options
pull-down on the flypage also correctly shows the retail prices of the
various product options. Good.

However, when I login as a dealer, although I get the correct dealer
prices when browsing and the correct prices displaying at the bottom of
the flypage, the options pull-down shows the various options still at
their *retail* prices instead of the *dealer* prices! I was pulling my
hair out with this problem over the weekend since the admin side of the
site has everything correctly entered and displayed so I simply couldn’t
understand why the public side wasn’t showing the right prices in the

After a long hard look it occurred to me today that the problem is
likely with the coding on the flypage as that’s the only logical
explanation I could find. I think the coding did not take this
retail/dealer option price difference into account in building the
pull-down table. Here’s the code that displays the options on the
flypage (of the foundation store) as I'm using it:

	      [if ordered [item-code]]
	        This item is currently in your [page ord/basket]shopping
	      [if-item-data options o_enable]
	        [if-item-data !options o_modular]
	          [table-organize cols=2 table=' ' font="size=1"
	            [item-options td=1 label=1 bold=1 price=1]

   	      [if-item-data options o_modular]
	        [set arg][item-code][/set]
	        [include templates/components/modular_buy]

I'm no good at reading this code but can anyone spot the problem and fix
this for me? Thanks!


Ian C. Melville
Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies


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