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[ic] Makecat

I have successfully managed to install interchange-4.8.6 on a fresh install
of freebsd.4.7.prerelease and have now been prompted to:
You are now ready to cd to /usr/local/interchange and run 'bin/makecat'

ok so i
kiop# cd /usr/local/interchange
kiop# bin/makecat
bin/makecat: Command not found.
kiop# ls
_session_storable       catalog_before.cfg      interchange.cfg.dist
_uid                    error.log               lib
auto                    etc                     locale.error            src
catalog_after.cfg       foundation              man
kiop# 'bin/makecat'
bin/makecat: Command not found.
kiop# run 'bin/makecat'
run: Command not found.

am i missing something?

can someone point me to a better install resource than the d/l
interchange.pdf as=20

To install Interchange from the tarball:
1. Locate the interchange-4.8.tar.gz file.
2. Download the file to your home directory.
3. Run tar xzvf interchange-4.8.tar.gz to untar the package.
4. Access the interchange-4.8 directory.
5. Run ./configure
6. At the prompt, enter the path to the directory where Interchange should
7. CD to the directory where you installed Interchange
8. Run =8Cbin/makecat=B9.

doesnt give much away..

Can someone point me to some good online resources?

Mike Karthauser=20
Brightstorm Ltd
thinking... thinking hard....

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