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[ic] divine, Inc. patent infringements

On Thursday 19 September 2002 11:15 pm, Charles Chang wrote:
> At first, Richard Nawracaj, Esq. from divine, Inc.
> sent me a letter about their Patent infringement and I
> ignored it. Then about 2 weeks later, Jason Engel from
> BELL, BOYD & LLOYD, LLC contacted me.
> Their website is
> I am going to respond with the FSF license text to the lawyer.

First of all, NEVER EVER volunteer information when talking to a lawyer o=
r a=20
cop- NEVER!

After reading the patent link, I would say that every internet store in=20
existence is in violation of the patent, in other words, it's frivolous -=
idea is far to broad and contains no descriptions of actual functions. It=
equivalent of having filed a patent in 1910 (some years after the actual=20
invention of the automobile) for a device which was " propelled by=20
mechanically driven engine on 4 wheels, requiring an operator" and then s=
Ford in 1920 for the model T.

My Grandfather fought a great many patent suits to protect his and and hi=
Father's invention, a real life mechanical object. In all cases. the suit=
were fought based on the defendant's having simply modified a small piece=
their product and then calling it a "new" invention. Gramp's Lawyers had =
show the court that it was nothing more then a modification to an existin=
design. These people have no design.

Expect ever more fishing expeditions of this type as the bottom feeders=20
attempt to make money from nothing.
 Robert Brandtjen
 Web Site Creation and Hosting Services

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