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[ic] divine, Inc. patent infringements

This is interesting information.  I am hoping that someone could either 
confirm or deny that the Divine company is actually doing this. What I mean 
is that we have heard from one person who says an attorney representing 
divine has contacted them.  Is there any chance that this is just a 
hoax?  Not by the person who posted the message, but instead by someone 
looking to play a cruel joke on some small companies based on the patents 
held by divine.

I guess I am wondering if anyone has a media citation about divine trying 
to enforce these patents.

The reason I am so interested, is that I was schedule to make a call this 
week to divine to order their TrueLook product (I have been talking with 
them for weeks).  It is not cheap, but we really like it (it is tens of 
thousands of dollars) and are in the process of firming up partnerships 
with others who are interested in using a TrueLook installation at our 

If it is in fact true that divine is taking this action I would like to 
know, because I would not want to deal with them on the TrueLook product.

Christopher Van Oosterhout

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