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[ic] OT -- Manners - purpose of this list -thanks

Subject: [ic] OT -- Manners - purpose of this list

I think some of you have forgotten the purpose of this list.  Or maybe
it's me that doesn't understand it.  I thought we were all here to help
each other by sharing experience.  Some of us are beginners, some have
been using minivend/exchange for a few years now, some are very
experienced.  It seems some of you have forgotten what it was like when
you were new to interchange or minivend and how it was like to be
somewhat or very confused.  Some of you seem to have forgotten what it
was like when you set out to design your first web page and were lucky
to get the formatting even half as good as you wanted it.



How about us all working together to help each other do better with our
sites. Each of us who has something to contribute go back to doing so
for those who could really use the assistance.  Many of us here have
something to offer, be it minor or major, be it about interchange
directly, or about web site design in general, or about operating and
configuring a server, or maybe even business or legal advice.

As a CPANEL user, I started by my hosting company telling me I had the cart.
Period.  End of story.  I didn't even know how to access the admin UI.
There were no instructions even that existed.  I am no
expert now, but I'm very proud of each little customization victory I have.
And I'm VERY inspired by others' use of IC.

If it weren't for this list, I wouldn't have accomplished anything at all.
We all need to remember that IC users come from every kind of background.
Enough said.

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