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[ic] Search engines summary?

Jonathan Clark wrote:
>>I got all my rewrite rules working and have launched my new site. My old
>>site has been around for years and shows up reasonably well in the
>>search engines.
>>I'm concerned about how my search engine ranking will change now that my
>>site uses the rewrite rules and is IC based. I've seen various posts on
>>this topic including some treatment of this issue in the 4.9 versions.
>>Can anyone post a summary, hopefully from experience, about the most
>>important ways to make a 4.8(6 in my case)/foundation store rank well?
>>Info on rewrite rules, meta tags, and anything else would be helpful.
One thing to pay attention to is your logs. See how far
google goes into your page. Make aliases to old pages to the
new ones in your apache config. Don't let any of your old
links comming in show up as not available. So doing a
modrwrite with it telling the engines the old pages have
moved to the new onse will always help. If need be make
static pages for the old pages that then have links that
go into the new site.

I am not sure but for my site google will not go into any
pages but for the top level. If I have links on other sites
into my pages it will look at them so I have had to put
up another site that links into my pages to get google to
index the pages I want it to.

Altavista and others happilly will drill down on your site

So pay real close attention to 404 errors in your logs and
quickly alias them to the new pages.

If anyone that has an example of a IC site that has shown
decent linkage (not ranking) from within there site (without
static pages and especially Goolge) I would hope they would
show their efforts in how they produced this.

Since IC when it comes down to it is about sales, without
sales (or customers) there would be no need for IC.

Just my two bits on the subject.

	    Philip S. Hempel

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