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[ic] suggestions for message board implementation

> Hi Russell,
> It is very simple. The visitors of the web site should have the option to
> post messages related to the products and services found there. There is a
> requirement that the users register using their name and email address in
> order to use the message board. Every next time the visitor comes
> to the web
> site they will need to sign in before using the message board.
> Our instance of Interchange keeps the catalogs on PostgreSQL server. I am
> not familiar with both phpBB and phorum.  I assume they can work with
> PostgreSQL as well. Is that possible?How long it takes to implement them?
> Thanks,
> Dimitar

I'm using mysql, and I have no idea what it would take to get them to use
PostgreSQL.  Phorum was the easiest to integrate.  Basically add the fields
that Phorum needs to your userdb, then point Phorum to that userdb.  You
should know PHP to do this, and you'll have to modify the source code.
Also, if you have field names that are different than the bulliten board,
but they have the same function, then you'll need to change the source code
to match.

If you want the product reviews to be on the same page as the products, I'm
sure you could create a review data table, and write an interface for it.
Something similar to the "Add a note" feature on the IC docs site.


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