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[ic] Making email a required field when a new account is created?

On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 02:02:31PM -0400, Shawn Mathews wrote:
> I am having an interesting problem....
> I want to make sure only unqiue email addresses are used when accounts are
> created. I'd also like to make email address a required field when a new
> account is created.
Here is one way to ensure a unique entry in the database. 
This is a variant on a solution Mr. Heins posted a couple weeks back.
My databases are MySql, and this is an update function.  YMMV.

<!-- Test for unique field. In this case, ref_num. -->

[set mv_data_enable]1[/set]

<!-- This is the form profile... -->
[set valid_form]
	[tmp ref_num_used][strip]
	[query sql="select ref_num from userdb where ref_num = '[cgi ref_num]'" type=row_count]
     [if scratch ref_num_used]
		delete $CGI->{ref_num};
		delete $::Values->{ref_num}; 
	ref_num=mandatory Number in use.
<!-- End form profile... -->

<!-- The form itself (a bit of table and CSS slag remains.) -->
<FORM ACTION="[process secure=1]" METHOD=POST>
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=mv_session_id VALUE=[data session id]>
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=mv_data_table VALUE="userdb">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=mv_data_key VALUE="username">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=mv_data_fields VALUE="edit_record, ref_num, flags">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=mv_data_function VALUE="update">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=username VALUE=[value username]>
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=mv_form_profile VALUE=valid_form> <!-- **FORM PROFILE** -->
[if errors]
<TD CLASS="tboxlbl-err">[error all=1 show_error=1 keep=0]</TD>
<TD CLASS="tboxlbl">[error std_label='Reference Number:']</TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME=ref_num VALUE='' MAXLEN=50 SIZE=20 CLASS="tbox"></TD>

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