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[ic] How do I Change default payment_mode text?

> My store accepts PayPal as the payment method and I don't know how to
> add a new payment method and change everything so I'm using the mail in
> format so I don't get credit card validation requests etc on the
> checkout.

I did exactly what you are doing and I just changed the text everywhere.
etc/receipt , etc/mail_receipt , probably the order.profile also and a few
other places.  Just use the unix tool "grep" to locate the text you want to

I can offer this anecode about paypal.  My girlfriend sells clothes on ebay
and has cleared 1700 transactions there using paypal.  With that in mind, we
opted to start out her store only supporting paypal.  It has largely been a
disaster (been "open" for a week now), not one single person has
successfully followed through on the paypal payment steps of the checkout
process.  Half of the people did end up using it to send payment after
receiving email guidance.  One person emailed their refusal to use paypal.
Others never responded to emails.  I called Bank of America today and will
have the merchant account applications sent back to them tomorrow.  We have
already lost more than enough sales to cover the monthly charges.  The
point, I think, is that paypal seems to be ubiquitous on ebay but useless
outside of it.


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