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[ic] Change error messages for userdb functions

>I should have been more clear, I'm looking for a solution that does not
>involve hacking on the core.  We prefer to use built in methods unless
>absolutely necessary.  If there is not a built in method, perhaps
>Locale?, then I will probably do some matching on the error messages
>before they are displayed and replace them with the ones we'd like to

I asked that question once and here's the answer I got:


For things like login and new account creation errors, You
should be able to make a locale entry for the message you want to change in
the locale database, and then put the "new" message string in the column
for your current locale, i.e. (locale.txt, formatted for readability):

code                            en_US                   de_DE
Username already exists Username unavailable

should cause the standard message for attempting to create a new account
with an existing username to be replaced with the alternate one.

For order submission and accout info errors, you can specify the message to
be displayed right in the order or account profile (etc/profiles.order),
the format is

varname=check error message.

for example:

fname=required We need your first name!


- Grant

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