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[ic] Two newbie questions

> I just started looking into Interchange
> so forgive me if I'm asking the obvious.
> I can't find anywhere a list of payment
> processing gateways supported via ic.
> I have seen references to Signio/PayFlow Pro,
> CyberCash, and ECHO.  What about
> Is there a full listing anywhere?
> Also, in whatever e-commerce solution we
> implement, we *must* have coupon support.
> That is, we want to set up coupons (like
> $5 off orders over $25) with "valid thru" dates.
> From what I've read so far, it doesn't look
> like Interchange has this functionality built-in.
> Are there any "modules" developed to provide this
> functionality?  If nobody knows of any, is anyone
> working on this functionality?  We would either
> want to join that effort or pay a consultant to
> develop that functionality for us.
> Thanks in advance for your input; and again, sorry
> if I'm asking stupid questions...
> -Aaron Howard

There probably is a full listing, you could also look in lib/Vend/Payment to
see all the modules, and yes there is one for Authorize.Net... I use it :)

Coupon support is not built in. I am not sure about 4.9/5 but as of 4.8.3 (i
believe any 4.8.x) does not have it "built in"

I hired a fine consultant to integrate that function for us. I just asked,
he did his magic, and wallah!

As far as I know there is no module, maybe because coupons can get
complicated and are different for every store owner. (i.e., time limits/no
time limits, per person/not per person, set minimum/no minimum, per person
w/time limit, no time limit but one per person, etc etc)

If you need help, just outline what you want and ask a consultant for help.
However if you are a perl guru, I am sure you could do it yourself quite



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