
formel — generate HTML form elements


Attribute Pos. Req. Default Description
label Yes Yes   User-visible description of the form element's purpose or intended use.
name Yes Yes   Name to assign to this form element (appears as name parameter to the appropriate HTML tag).
type Yes Yes   Form element type. Supported HTML element types are text, textarea, checkbox, radio and select. Special value of display does not produce any form element but simply displays the element value in a label.
size       Usually the width of an element. For the textarea type, you can specify width and height in form of "AxB", "A,B" or "A B".
cause       Format string for the error message. If set, the error message is appended to the label. (%s) is a reasonable value.
checkfor     The element's name value. Name to pass to the [error] tag.
choices       Comma-separated list of choices for the checkbox, radio or select elements. To display labels different from the values, use the value1=label1 notation.
format     %s %s %s The container format string for the label, form element and help text.
help       Help text for the element. If the user was to input, say, an username, you could set the help field to alphanumeric (5-10 characters)
maxlength       The maxlength attribute for the HTML form element.
order     0 If not set, the user-visible description comes first (before the form element) in the output.
reset     0 Discard any previous element value?
signal     <span class="mv_contrast">%s</span> Label container in case of errors. If the CSS_CONTRAST variable is defined, it is used instead of the mv_contrast class name.
table       Database name to pass to the display tag. Of course, this is only used with the display form "element".


This tag creates HTML form elements. [formel] consults the value namespace for defaults, thus preserving user input from previous HTML forms. It also keeps track of input errors (using the [error] tag).

The error messages will be displayed according to the mv_contrast CSS class (or the class defined in the CSS_CONTRAST variable).

Note that you can define values to control this tag's defaults. See the section called “EXAMPLES”.


This tag appears to be affected by, or affects, the following:
Catalog Variables: CSS_CONTRAST


Example: Define tag defaults with form values

[value name="mv_formel_cause"  set=" (<I>%s</I>)" hide=1]
[value name="mv_formel_format" set="<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" hide=1]
[value name="mv_formel_order"  set=1 hide=1]
[value name="mv_formel_signal" set="<blink>%s</blink>" hide=1]

Note that the values, once you set them, remain persistent during the user's session.

Example: Change indicator for errors

[formel label=Username name=username signal="<b>%s</b>"]

Example: Displaying the label and form element in two passes

If you had specific requirements, you could, by using a little trickery, display the form element label and the element itself in two passes:

[formel label=Username: name=login format="%s"]
[formel name=login order=1 format="%s"]



formel is available in Interchange versions:

4.6.0-5.9.0 (git-head)


Interchange 5.9.0:

Source: code/UserTag/formel.tag
Lines: 203

# Copyright 2002-2007 Interchange Development Group and others
# Copyright 2002-2005 Stefan Hornburg (
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.  See the LICENSE file for details.
# $Id: formel.tag,v 1.19 2007-08-01 10:52:44 kwalsh Exp $

UserTag formel Order   label name type size
UserTag formel addAttr
UserTag formel Version $Revision: 1.19 $
UserTag formel Routine <<EOF
sub {
my ($label, $name, $type, $size, $opt) = @_;
my ($labelhtml, $elhtml, $fmt);
my $checkfor = $opt->{'checkfor'} || $name;
my $sizestr = '';
my $labelproc;

$labelproc = sub {
  my ($label, $keep) = @_;
  my ($error);

  if ($opt->{cause}) {
    if ($error = $Tag->error({name => $checkfor, keep => 1})) {
      $label .= $Tag->error({name => $checkfor, keep => $keep, 
          text => $opt->{cause}});
else {
$error = $Tag->error({name => $checkfor, keep => $keep});

if ($error) {
if ($opt->{signal}) {
  sprintf($opt->{signal}, $label);
else {
  my $contrast = $::Variable->{CSS_CONTRAST} || 'mv_contrast';
  qq{<span class="$contrast">$label</span>};
else {      

# set defaults
$type = 'text' unless $type;

for ('cause', 'format', 'order', 'reset', 'signal', 'size') {
  next if $opt->{$_};
  if ($::Values->{"mv_formel_$_"}) {
    $opt->{$_} = $::Values->{"mv_formel_$_"};

if ($opt->{'format'}) {
  $fmt = $opt->{'format'};
else {
  $fmt = '%s %s %s';

if ($opt->{'size'}) {
  if ($type eq 'textarea') {
    my ($cols, $rows) = split (/\s*[,x\s]\s*/, $opt->{'size'});
    $sizestr = qq{ rows="$rows" cols="$cols"};
  else {
    $sizestr = qq{ size="$opt->{size}"};

if ($opt->{'maxlength'}) {
  $sizestr .= qq{ maxlength="$opt->{maxlength}"};

if ($type eq 'radio' || $type eq 'checkbox') {    
  my ($rlabel, $rvalue, $select, @vals);
  if ($type eq 'checkbox') {
    @vals = split(/\0/, $::Values->{$name});

  for my $button (split (/\s*,\s*/, $opt->{choices})) {
    $select = '';
    if ($button =~ /^(.*?)=(.*)$/) {
      $rvalue = $1;
      $rlabel = $2;
    else {
      $rvalue = $rlabel = $button;

    if ($type eq 'checkbox') {
      # multiple values possible for checkboxes
      for my $val (@vals) {
        if ($val eq $rvalue) {
          $select = 'checked';
    } elsif ($::Values->{$name} eq $rvalue) {
      $select = ' checked';

    $rlabel = &$labelproc($rlabel, 1);

    $elhtml .= qq{<input type="$type" name="$name" value="${rvalue}"$select \
 $Vend::Xtrailer> $rlabel};
  # delete error implicitly
  $labelhtml = &$labelproc($label);
  return sprintf ($fmt, $labelhtml, $elhtml);

$labelhtml = &$labelproc($label) if $label || $type ne 'display';

if ($type eq 'select') {
  my ($rlabel, $rvalue, $select);

  for my $option (split (/\s*,\s*/, $opt->{choices})) {
    $select = '';
    if ($option =~ /^(.*?)=(.*)$/) {
      $rvalue = $1;
      $rlabel = $2;
    else {
      $rvalue = $rlabel = $option;

    if ($::Values->{$name} eq $rvalue) {
      $select = ' selected="selected"';
    if ($rvalue eq $rlabel) {  
      $elhtml .= qq{<option $select>$rlabel</option>};
    else {
      $elhtml .= qq{<option value="$rvalue"$select>$rlabel</option>};
  return sprintf ($fmt, $labelhtml, 
      qq{<select name="$name">$elhtml</select>});

if ($type eq 'display') {
  if ($label) {
    # use provided label
    $elhtml = $Tag->display($opt->{table} || 'products', $name, '', 
        {value => $Values->{$name}});
  else {
    # use dummy template to retrieve label from metadata
    $elhtml = $Tag->display($opt->{table} || 'products', $name, '', 
        {value => $Values->{$name}, 
        template => join(" \0", '$LABEL$', '$WIDGET$')});
    ($label, $elhtml) = split(/\s\0/, $elhtml);
    $labelhtml = &$labelproc($label);
} elsif ($opt->{reset}) {
  if ($type eq 'textarea') {
    $elhtml = qq{<textarea name="${name}"$sizestr></textarea>};
  else {
    $elhtml = qq{<input type="$type" name="${name}"$sizestr $Vend::Xtrailer>};
else {
  if ($type eq 'textarea') {
    $elhtml = qq{<textarea name="${name}"$sizestr>$::Values->{$name}</textarea>};

  elsif ($type eq 'text' || $type eq 'password' || $type !~ /\S/) {
    $elhtml = qq{<input type="$type" name="$name" value="$::Values->{$name}"$sizestr \
  else {
    # pass type directly to display tag
    if ($opt->{order}) {
      $fmt = sprintf($fmt, '$WIDGET$', '$LABEL$', $opt->{help});
    } else {
      $fmt = sprintf($fmt, '$LABEL$', '$WIDGET$', $opt->{help});

    return $Tag->display({name => $name,
             type => $type,
             label => $label,
             value => $Values->{$name},
             template => $fmt});

if ($opt->{order}) {
  # display form element first
  sprintf ($fmt, $elhtml, $labelhtml, $opt->{help});
else {
  # display label first
  sprintf ($fmt, $labelhtml, $elhtml, $opt->{help});


Stefan Hornburg (Racke), Interchange Development Group


button(7ic), widget(7ic), CSS_CONTRAST(7ic)

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