
uninstall_feature —


Attribute Pos. Req. Default Description
name Yes
interpolate     0 interpolate output?
hide     0 Hide the tag return value?



This tag does not appear to be affected by, or affect, the rest of Interchange.


No examples are available at this time. We do consider this a problem and will try to supply some.



uninstall_feature is available in Interchange versions:

4.6.0-5.9.0 (git-head)


Interchange 5.9.0:

Source: code/UI_Tag/uninstall_feature.tag
Lines: 15

# Copyright 2005-2007 Interchange Development Group and others
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.  See the LICENSE file for details.
# $Id: uninstall_feature.tag,v 1.3 2007-03-30 23:40:54 pajamian Exp $

UserTag uninstall_feature Order       name
UserTag uninstall_feature MapRoutine  Vend::Config::uninstall_feature
UserTag uninstall_feature Version     $Revision: 1.3 $
UserTag uninstall_feature Description <<EOD
This tag uninstalls features which were installed with Feature.

Source: lib/Vend/
Lines: 2542

sub uninstall_feature {
my ($value) = @_;
my $c = $Vend::Cfg
  or die "Not in catalog context.\n";

#::logDebug("Running uninstall for cat=$Vend::Cat, from cfg ref=$c->{CatalogName}");
$value =~ s/^\s+//;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
my $fdir = Vend::File::catfile($Global::FeatureDir, $value);

unless(-d $fdir) {
  config_warn("Feature '%s' not found, skipping.", $value);
  return $c;

my $etag = errmsg("feature %s uninstall -- ", $value);

# Get the global install files and remove them from the config list
my @gfiles = glob("$fdir/*.global");
my %seen;
@seen{@gfiles} = @gfiles;

# Get the init files and remove them from the config list
my @ifiles = glob("$fdir/*.init");
@seen{@ifiles} = @ifiles;

# Get the uninstall files and remove them from the config list
my @ufiles = glob("$fdir/*.uninstall");
@seen{@ufiles} = @ifiles;

# Any other files are config files
my @cfiles = grep ! $seen{$_}++, glob("$fdir/*");

# directories are for copying
my @cdirs = grep -d $_, @cfiles;

my $Tag = new Vend::Tags;

my @copy;
my @errors;
my @warnings;

my $wanted = sub {
  return unless -f $_;
  my $n = $File::Find::name;
  $n =~ s{^$fdir/}{};
  my $d = $File::Find::dir;
  $d =~ s{^$fdir/}{};
  push @copy, [$n, $d];

if(@cdirs) {
  File::Find::find({ wanted => $wanted, follow => 1 }, @cdirs);
#::logDebug("ufiles=" . ::uneval(\@ufiles));
#::logDebug("ifiles=" . ::uneval(\@ifiles));
#::logDebug("cdirs=" . ::uneval(\@cdirs));
#::logDebug("copy=" . ::uneval(\@copy));

for(@ufiles) {
#::logDebug("Running uninstall file $_");
  my $save = $Global::AllowGlobal->{$Vend::Cat};
  $Global::AllowGlobal->{$Vend::Cat} = 1;
  open UNFILE, "< $_"
    or do {
      push @errors, $etag . errmsg("error reading %s: %s", $_, $!);
  my $chunk = join "", <UNFILE>;
  close UNFILE;

#::logDebug("uninstall chunk length=" . length($chunk));

  my $out;
  eval {
    $out = Vend::Interpolate::interpolate_html($chunk);

  if($@) {
    push @errors, $etag . errmsg("error running uninstall %s: %s", $_, $@);

  push @warnings, $etag . errmsg("message from %s: %s", $_, $out)
    if $out =~ /\S/;

  $Global::AllowGlobal->{$Vend::Cat} = $save;

for(@copy) {
  my ($n, $d) = @$_;

  my $tf = Vend::File::catfile($c->{VendRoot}, $n);
  next unless -f $tf;

  my $contents1 = Vend::File::readfile($tf);

  my $sf = "$fdir/$n";

  open UNSRC, "< $sf"
    or die $etag . errmsg("Couldn't read uninstall source file %s: %s", $sf, $!);

  local $/;
  my $contents2 = <UNSRC>;

  if($contents1 ne $contents2) {
    push @warnings, $etag . errmsg("will not uninstall %s, changed.", $tf);

  unlink $tf
    or do {
      push @errors,
        $etag . errmsg("$etag couldn't unlink file %s: %s", $tf, $!);

  my $td = Vend::File::catfile($c->{VendRoot}, $d);
  my @left = glob("$td/*");
  push @left, glob("$td/.?*");
  next if @left;

if(@ifiles) {
#::logDebug("running uninstall touch and init");
  my $initdir = Vend::File::catfile($c->{ConfDir}, 'init', $value);
  File::Path::mkpath($initdir) unless -d $initdir;
  my $fn = Vend::File::catfile($initdir, 'uninstall');
#::logDebug("touching uninstall file $fn");
  open UNFILE, ">> $fn"
    or die errmsg("Couldn't create uninstall flag file %s: %s", $fn, $!);
  print UNFILE $etag . errmsg("uninstalled at %s.\n", scalar(localtime));
  close UNFILE;

my $errors;
for(@errors) {
  $Tag->error({ set => $_});

for(@warnings) {

return ! $errors;


Interchange Development Group


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