11.1. pages/checkout.html

The site can now be completed by adding the ability to check out with the shopping cart and finalize the order. To do this the customer needs to provide a shipping address (which, for the sake of this tutorial, we will assume is the same as the billing address), and payment information. We will process the order by verifying the customer's payment information and sending an email to the merchant (ourselves) detailing the order.

First you need to create a checkout page. The checkout page consists of a form that receives order information from the customer and performs a simple credit card number check. In this tutorial we will use a built-in test that only checks to see if a given credit card number could be valid. If the information is acceptable the customer will move to the next phase of the order process. If it is not, an error page will be displayed.

To create a checkout page, type the following code and save it as pages/checkout.html. The section that follows explains the code.

  [include top]
  [include left]
  <h1>Checkout Page</h1>

  <form method=post action="[process]">
  <input type=hidden name=mv_todo value=submit>
  <input type=hidden name=mv_order_profile value=order_profile>
  <input type=hidden name=mv_cyber_mode value=minivend_test>

  <table cellpadding=3>

  <td align=right><b>First name:</b></td>
  <td><input type=text name=fname value="[value fname]"></td>

  <td align=right><b>Last name:</b></td>
  <td><input type=text name=lname value="[value lname]"></td>

  <td align=right rowspan=2><b>Address:</b></td>
  <td><input type=text name=address1 value="[value address1]"></td>

  <td><input type=text name=address2 value="[value address2]"></td>

  <td align=right><b>City:</b></td>
  <td><input type=text name=city value="[value city]"></td>

  <td align=right><b>State:</b></td>
  <td><input type=text name=state value="[value state]"></td>

  <td align=right><b>Postal code:</b></td>
  <td><input type=text name=zip value="[value zip]"></td>

  <td align=right><b>Country:</b></td>
  <td><input type=text name=country value="[value country]"></td>


  Note: We assume that your billing address is the same as your shipping address.

  <table cellpadding=3>

  <td align=right><b>Credit card number:</b></td>
  <td><input type=text name=mv_credit_card_number value="" size=20></td>

  <td align=right><b>Credit card expiration date:</b></td>
  Month (number from 1-12):
  <input type=text name=mv_credit_card_exp_month value="" size=2 maxlength=2>
  Year (last two digits only):
  <input type=text name=mv_credit_card_exp_year value="" size=2 maxlength=2>


  <input type=submit name=submit value="Finalize!">
  <input type=reset name=reset value="Reset">


  <p>[page index]Return to shopping instead</a></p>
  [include bottom]

The HTML form begins with a method of 'post' (which sends the form data as its own stream, as opposed to the 'get' method which encodes the data as part of the URL). The [process] tag creates a special URL for form processing. Interchange has a built-in form processor that is configured by submitting certain fields in the form. The Finalize button will invoke this form processor and link the user to the special_pages/receipt.html page, which is described later.

You are submitting some hidden form values that will tell Interchange how to process this form. The first value, mv_todo was set as submit. This causes the form to be submitted for validation. The second value, mv_order_profile was set as order_profile. This determines the validation process for the form. It is explained further in the next section.

The last value, mv_cyber_mode, was set to be minivend_test. The mv_cyber_mode value determines what method will be used to charge a credit card. The value of minivend_test uses the internal test method, which calculates a simple checksum against the card to determine if it is a valid number.

When preparing an order for processing, Interchange looks for certain named fields in the form values for name, address, and credit card information. We are using all expected field names in this form so that no translation needs to take place.

View the checkout page in your browser. The "Finalize!" link has not been enabled, but the page should display properly.