1. Interchange Table Editor

Interchange has a powerful, highly-configurable table editor application implemented via its [table-editor] ... tag.

It is called in an Interchange page as simply as:

    [table-editor cgi=1]

Given that call, it reads the passed CGI query information and builds a table editor for an interchange table.

Each field within the table editor is completely configurable for HTML widget type, label, help links, and more. These configurations can be saved in the mv_metadata database, or can be specified in the table-editor tag call itself.

The table editor is portable. It will work with any DBI/SQL database, with LDAP databases, and with Interchange DBM and plain-file databases.

Much of the Interchange administrative user interface (UI) is built around the table editor.

Its features include:

Complete range of widgets and data filters

Interchange has 18 different HTML widget types with data filters to condition the data.

Link fields from any table

Though the table editor uses one table as its base, fields from other tables can be brought in, and entire sets of records relationally linked to the base record can be edited within the table editor.

Tabbed display

Interchange automatically builds a tabbed interface from your fields specification.

"Wizard" mode

The table editor has a "wizard" mode that can collect information for accomplishing installation or setup tasks, with Next, Back, Cancel and Finish modes.

Templatable setup

You can completely control the way the table editor displays the widgets without interfering with its functionality.

Complex data structures

Interchange can build arbitrarily-deep data structures from form input. The collected data is serialized with the equivalent of Perl's Data::Dumper and stored in a single database field.

Calling the table editor

Attributes and attribute quoting



Extended settings