B.2. Abbreviations

The two-letter abbreviations are mapped with these letters:

Abbr Long name
DL mv_raw_dict_look
MM mv_more_matches
ac mv_all_chars
ar mv_arg
bd mv_base_directory
bs mv_begin_string
ck mv_cache_key
co mv_coordinate
cs mv_case
cv mv_verbatim_columns
de mv_dict_end
df mv_dict_fold
di mv_dict_limit
dl mv_dict_look
do mv_dict_order
dr mv_record_delim
em mv_exact_match
er mv_spelling_errors
fi mv_search_file
fm mv_first_match
fn mv_field_names
hs mv_head_skip
id mv_session_id
il mv_index_delim
ix mv_index_delim
lb mv_search_label
lo mv_list_only
lr mv_line_return
lr mv_search_line_return
ml mv_matchlimit
mm mv_max_matches
mp mv_profile
ms mv_min_string
ne mv_negate
np mv_nextpage
nu mv_numeric
op mv_column_op
os mv_orsearch
pc mv_pc
ra mv_return_all
rd mv_return_delim
rf mv_return_fields
rn mv_return_file_name
rr mv_return_reference
rs mv_return_spec
se mv_searchspec
sf mv_search_field
si mv_search_immediate
sp mv_search_page
sq mv_sql_query
st mv_searchtype
su mv_substring_match
tf mv_sort_field
to mv_sort_option
un mv_unique
va mv_value

Copyright 2002-2004 Interchange Development Group. Copyright 2001-2002 Red Hat, Inc. Freely redistributable under terms of the GNU General Public License.