4.4. assign

Allows you to assign numeric values to preempt calculation of one or more of the following tags:

[handling], [salestax], [shipping], and [subtotal]

The assignment is persistent within a user's session until you clear it, an assigned tag will return your value instead of calculating a value.

Warning -- please be sure you understand the dependencies within the pricing system before using the assign tag. In particular, you must have the value mv_shipmode set to assign to shipping, and likewise you must set mv_handling to assign to handling. The salestax and subtotal settings don't require any session variables be set.

4.4.1. Summary

    [assign tag_name=value tag_name=value ...]
    [assign clear=1]
Attributes Description Default
clear Clears all pending 'assign' tag assignments none
handling Assigns an override value for [handling] tags none
salestax Assigns an override value for [salestax] tags none
shipping Assigns an override value for [shipping] tags none
subtotal Assigns an override value for [subtotal] tags none
Invalidates cache No
Container tag No

ASP-like Perl call:

    $Tag->assign(  { shipping => 2.99, }  ); See Also

[handling], [salestax], [shipping], [subtotal], [Shipping]

4.4.2. Description

The assign tag allows you to assign numeric override values to one or more of the following tags:

[handling], [salestax], [shipping], and [subtotal]

An assigned tag will return your value rather than calculating its own until you clear the assignment.

Assignment is persistent within the user's session (unless cleared) and affects only that user.

Assigning an empty string clears the tag's assignment. You can also clear all pending assignments at once with the clear attribute.

For example, the following eliminates salestax and sets shipping to $4.99 regardless of weight and destination:

    [assign salestax=0 shipping=4.99]

This restores the [salestax] tag and eliminates handling charges:

    [assign salestax="" handling=0]

This restores the normal behavior to the [shipping] and [handling] tags:

    [assign clear=1]

Assignment affects only the value returned by a tag. Other behavior, such as formatting for the local currency, is not affected by the assignment.

Note -- you will get an error in the error log (and any pending assignment for the specified tag will be cleared) if you try to assign a value other than a number or the empty string (""). clear

Setting this to a true value clears all pending assignments (i.e., all assignable tags return to normal behavior). shipping

This sets the total value of shipping, rounded to locale-specific fractional digits. Always active if assigned a numeric value. See the [shipping] tag for detail about rounding, etc. handling

This option sets the total value of handling, rounded to fractional digits.

Important note

The [handling] tag is unlike the others in that it will be inactive (despite your assignment) unless the [value mv_handling] variable is true (i.e., a nonzero, non-blank value). salestax

This preempts the salestax calculation. The assigned value is not rounded. subtotal

This preempts the cart subtotal derived from prices. The assigned value is not rounded.

Note that you cannot assign to [total-cost] -- it will always be the sum of the four above.

Before using the assign tag, please be sure you understand the dependencies within the pricing system, such as the relationship between [total-cost] and assigned tags.