7.3. Checking Page HTML

Interchange allows debugging of page HTML with an external page checking program. Because leaving this enabled on a production system is potentially a very bad performance degradation, the program is set in a the global configuration file with the CheckHTML directive. To check a page for validity, set the global directive CheckHTML to the name of the program (don't do any output redirection). A good choice is the freely available program Weblint. It would be set in interchange.cfg with:

   CheckHTML  /usr/local/bin/weblint -s -

Of course, the server must be restarted for it to be recognized. The full path to the program should be used. If having trouble, check it from the command line (as with all external programs called by Interchange).

Insert [flag type=checkhtml][/tag] at the top or bottom of pages to check and the output of the checker should be appended to the browser output as a comment, visible if the page or frame source are viewed. To do this occasionally, use a Variable setting:

   Variable  CHECK_HTML    [flag type=checkhtml]

and place __CHECK_HTML__ in the pages. Then set the Variable to the empty string to disable it.