3.5. if

[if type field op* compare*]

The Interchange Tags Reference has more information on the [if] tag.

[if !type field op* compare*]

Allows the conditional building of HTML based on the setting of various Interchange session and database values. The general form is:

        [if type term op compare]
                                    If true, this text is printed on the document.
                                    The [then] [/then] is optional in most
                                    cases. If ! is prepended to the type
                                    setting, the sense is reversed and
                                    this text will be output for a false condition.
        [elsif type term op compare]
                                    Optional, tested when if fails.
                                    Optional, printed on the document when all above fail.

The [if] tag can also have some variants:

        [if explicit]
        [condition] CODE [/condition]
                                    Displayed if valid Perl CODE returns a true value.

Some Perl-style regular expressions can be written:

        [if value name =~ /^mike/i]
                                    This is the if with Mike.
        [elsif value name =~ /^sally/i]
                                    This is an elsif with Sally.
        [elsif value name =~ /^barb/i]
        [or value name =~ /^mary/i]
                                    This is an elsif with Barb or Mary.
        [elsif value name =~ /^pat/i]
        [and value othername =~ /^mike/i]
                                    This is an elsif with Pat and Mike.
                                    This is the else, no name I know.

While the named parameter tag syntax works for [if ...], it is more convenient to use the positional syntax in most cases. The only exception is when you are planning to do a test on the results of another tag sequence:

This will not work:

   [if value name =~ /[value b_name]/]
       Shipping name matches billing name.

Do this instead:

   [if type=value term=name op="=~" compare="/[value b_name]/"]
       Shipping name matches billing name.

As an alternative:

   [if type=value term=high_water op="<" compare="[shipping noformat=1]"]
       The shipping cost is too high, charter a truck.

There are many test targets available. The following is a list of some of the available test targets.

config Directive

            [if config CreditCardAuto]
            Auto credit card validation is enabled.

data database::field::key

            [if data products::size::99-102]
            There is size information.
            No size information.
            [if data products::size::99-102 =~ /small/i]
            There is a small size available.
            No small size available.
            [set code]99-102[/set]
            [if type=data term="products::size::[scratch code]"]
            There is size information.
            No size information.


            [if discount 99-102]
            This item is discounted.


            [if explicit]
                $country = $ values =~{country};
                return 1 if $country =~ /u\.?s\.?a?/i;
                return 0;
            You have indicated a US address.
            You have indicated a non-US address.


            [if file /home/user/www/images/[item-code].gif]
            <IMG SRC="[item-code].gif">
            [if type=file term="/home/user/www/images/[item-code].gif"]
            <IMG SRC="[item-code].gif">


          [if items]You have items in your shopping cart.[/if]
          [if items layaway]You have items on layaway.[/if]


          [if ordered 99-102] ... [/if]
            Checks the status of an item on order, true if item
            99-102 is in the main cart.
          [if ordered 99-102 layaway] ... [/if]
            Checks the status of an item on order, true if item
            99-102 is in the layaway cart.
          [if ordered 99-102 main size] ... [/if]
            Checks the status of an item on order in the main cart,
            true if it has a size attribute.
          [if ordered 99-102 main size =~ /large/i] ... [/if]
            Checks the status of an item on order in the main cart,
            true if it has a size attribute containing 'large'.
            syntax for that one would be:
            [if type=ordered term="99-102" compare="size =~ /large/i"]
            To make sure it is the size that is large and not another attribute,
            you could use:
            [if ordered 99-102 main size eq 'large'] ... [/if]
          [if ordered 99-102 main lines] ... [/if]
              Special case -- counts the lines that the item code is
              present on. (Only useful, of course, when mv_separate_items
              or SeparateItems is defined.)


            [if scratch mv_separate_items]
            Ordered items will be placed on a separate line.
            Ordered items will be placed on the same line.





The field term is the specifier for that area. For example, [if session frames] would return true if the frames session parameter was set.

As an example, consider buttonbars for frame-based setups. You might decide to display a different buttonbar with no frame targets for sessions that are not using frames:

   [if session frames]
       [buttonbar 1]
       [buttonbar 2]

Another example might be the when search matches are displayed. If using the string [value mv_match_count] titles found, it will display a plural result even if there is only one match. Use:

   [if value mv_match_count != 1]
       [value mv_match_count] matches found.
       Only one match was found.

The op term is the compare operation to be used. Compare operations are the same as they are in Perl:

   ==  numeric equivalence
   eq  string equivalence
   >   numeric greater-than
   gt  string greater-than
   <   numeric less-than
   lt  string less-than
   !=  numeric non-equivalence
   ne  string equivalence

Any simple Perl test can be used, including some limited regex matching. More complex tests should be done with [if explicit].

[then] text [/then]

[elsif type field op* compare*]

[else] text [/else]

[condition] text [/condition]
