[Docs] Update to "Order Routing" docs in icdatabase (why there?)

Mike Heins mheins@redhat.com
Thu, 12 Apr 2001 02:13:52 -0400

H2: Order Routing

Interchange can send order emails and perform custom credit card
charges and/or logging for each item. The Route directive is used to
control this behavior, along with the C<mv_order_route> item attribute.

If no Route is in the catalog, Interchange uses a default "mail out the
order and show a receipt" model.

Routes are established with the C<Route> directive, which is similar
to the C<Locale> directive. Each route is like a locale, so that
key-value pairs can be set. Here is an example setting:

!block example
   Route  mail  pgp_key         0x67798115
   Route  mail  email           orders@akopia.com
   Route  mail  reply           service@akopia.com
   Route  mail  encrypt         1
   Route  mail  encrypt_program "/usr/bin/pgpe -fat -q -r %s"
   Route  mail  report          etc/report_mail

NOTE: Values with whitespace in them must be quoted.

You can also set the route in a valid Perl hash reference string:

!block example
   Route  mail <<EOR
	pgp_key         => '0x67798115',
        email           => 'orders@akopia.com',
        reply           => 'service@akopia.com',
        encrypt         => 1,
        encrypt_program => q{/usr/bin/gpg -e -a -r '%s' --batch},
        report          => 'etc/report_mail',

This route would be used whenever the I<mail> route was called by one
of the three possible methods:

LI1: route called from master route
.Called via the C<cascade> parameter from the master route. This is the way that most routes are
called in Interchange's L<Foundation> demo. These routes treat the order as a

LI1: route set in item
.An item in the shopping cart has C<mail> as the value in
the attribute  C<mv_order_route>. This method is item-specific to
this item (or group of items in route C<mail>).

LI1: route set in the form variable mv_order_route
.By setting a value in the C<mv_order_route> form variable, you can specify
one or more routes to run.
This is the deprecated method used in earlier Interchange 4.6.x and Minivend 4 routes. It will still work fine.

The last route that is defined is the C<master> route, by
convention named I<main>. Besides setting the global behavior of the
routing, it provides some defaults for other routes. For example, if
C<encrypt_program> is set there, then the same value will be the default
for all routes. Most settings do not fall through.

The attributes that can be set are:

LI1: attach
.Determines whether the order report should be attached to the main order
report e-mail. This is useful if certain items must be printed separately from
others, perhaps for FAX to a fulfillment house.

L1: cascade
.A list of routes which should be pushed on the stack of routes to
run, I<after all currently scheduled routes are done>. NOTE: cascades
can cause endless loops, so only one setting is recommended, that being the
main route.

LI1: commit
.Perl code which should be performed on a route commit.

LI1: commit_tables
.Tables that are to be pre-opened before running the Perl commit code.

LI1: counter
.The location of a counter file which should be used instead of C<OrderCounter>
for this route. It will generate a different value for C<mv_order_number> for
the route. This is normally used to obtain unique order references for 
multi-vendor routing.

LI1: credit_card
.Determines whether credit card encryption should be done for this order.
Either this or C<encrypt> should always be set.

LI1: dynamic_routes
.If set in the L<master> route, will cause the L<RouteDatabase> to be 
checked for a route. If it exists, it will be read in and the database
copy used instead of the static copy build at catalog configuration
time. If set in a subsidiary route, that route will be ignored during
catalog.cfg, and C<dynamic_routes> must be active for it to be seen.

LI1: email
.The email address(es) where the order should be sent. Set just like the
C<MailOrderTo> directive, which is also the default.

LI1: encrypt
.Whether the entire order should be encrypted with the B<encrypt_program>.
If C<credit_card> is set, the credit card will first be encrypted, then the
entire order encrypted.

LI1: encrypt_program
.The encryption program incantaton which should be used. Set identically to the
C<EncryptProgram> directive, except that %s will be replaced with the
C<pgp_key>. Default is empty.

LI1: errors_to
.Sets the C<Errors-To:> e-mail header so that bounced orders will go to the
proper address. Default is the same as C<MailOrderTo>.

LI1: expandable
.If set in the L<master> route, route settings will be expanded for ITL
tags. No effect if the route is not the master.

LI1: extended
.Extended route settings that take the form of an Interchange option list;
normally a Perl hash reference that will be read. These settings always
overwrite any that currently exist, regardless of the order in which they
are specified. For example:

!block example
	Route  main   extended    { email => 'milton@akopia.com' }
	Route  main   email       papabear@minivend.com

The ultimate setting of C<email> will be C<milton@akopia.com>.

LI1: increment
.Whether the order number should be incremented as a result of this result.
Default is not to increment, as the order number should usually be the same for
different routes within the same customer order.

LI1: individual_track
.A directory where individual order tracking files will be placed. The file
name will correspond to the value of C<mv_order_number>. This can be useful for
batching orders via download.

LI1: individual_track_ext
.The extension that will be added to the file name for C<individual_track>.
Must contain a period (C<.>), if that is desired.

!block example
   individual_track_ext     .pgp

LI1: individual_track_mode
.A number representing the final permission mode for the C<individual_track> file.
Usually expressed in octal:

!block example
   individual_track_mode    0444

LI1: master
.If set, this route becomes the master route for C<supplant>,
C<dynamic_routes>, C<errors_to>, and C<expandable>, and supplies the setting
for C<receipt> and the C<attach> report.  Switching C<master> in midstream is
unlikely to be successful -- it should certainly be the first route in a cascade.

LI1: payment_mode
.If this is set, enables a payment mode for the route. (Payment modes
are also set in the C<Route> directive.)

LI1: pgp_cc_key
.The PGP/GPG key selector that is used to determine which public key is used for
encryption of credit cards only. With PGP 5 and 6, see appropriate values by
using the command C<pgpk -l>. For GPG, use C<gpg --list-keys>. Defaults to
the value of L<pgp_key>.

LI1: pgp_key
.The PGP key selector that is used to determine which public key is used for
encryption. If C<pgp_cc_key> is set, that key will be used for credit card
encryption instead of C<pgp_key>. With PGP 5 and 6, see appropriate values by
using the command C<pgpk -l>. For GPG, use C<gpg --list-keys>. Defaults to
the value of L<pgp_key>.

LI1: profile
.The custom order profile which should be performed to check the order I<prior>
to actually running the route. If it fails, the route will not be performed.
See C<OrderProfile> and C<mv_order_profile>.

LI1: receipt
.The receipt page that should be used for this routing. This only applies if
supplant is set for the route, and that normally would only be in the 
default route.

LI1: report
.The report page that should be used for this routing. If C<attach> is defined,
the contents of the report will be placed in a MIME attachment in the main
order report.

LI1: reply
.The C<Reply-To> header that should be set. Default is the same as C<email>.
.If there are only word characters (A-Za-z0-9 and underscore), it describes an
Interchange variable name where the address can be found.

LI1: rollback
.Perl code which should be performed on a route rollback.

LI1: rollback_tables
.Tables that are to be pre-opened before running the Perl rollback code.

LI1: supplant
.Whether the master route should supplant the main order report. If set, the
C<AsciiTrack> operation will use this route and the normal Interchange order
e-mail sequence will not be performed. This is normally set in the master

LI1: track
.The name of a file which should be used for tracking. If the C<supplant>
attribute is set, the normal order tracking will be used as well.

LI1: track_mode
.A number representing the final permission mode for the C<track> file.
Usually expressed in octal:

!block example
   track_mode    0444

LI1: transactions
.A list of tables to put in transactions mode at the beginning of the route.
Used to ensure that orders get rolled back if another route fails.
.The I<first> route to open a table must have this parameter, otherwise
transactions will not work. If any route fails (except ones marked
error_ok) then a rollback will be done on these tables. If all routes
succeed, a commit will be performed at the end of all order routes.

Individual item routing causes all items labeled with that route to be
placed in a special sub-cart that will be used for the order report. This means
that the C<[item-list] LIST [/item-list]> will only contain those items,
allowing operations to be performed on subsets of the complete order. The
C<[subtotal]>, C<[salestax]>, C<[shipping]>, C<[handling]>, and C<[total-cost]>
tags are also affected.

Here is an example of an order routing:

!block example
   Route  HARD      pgp_key          0x67798115
   Route  HARD      email            hardgoods@akopia.com
   Route  HARD      reply            service@akopia.com
   Route  HARD      encrypt          1
   Route  HARD      report           etc/report_mail
   Route  SOFT      email            ""
   Route  SOFT      profile          create_download_link
   Route  SOFT      empty            1
   Route  mail      pgp_key          0x67798115
   Route  mail      email            orders@akopia.com
   Route  mail      reply            service@akopia.com
   Route  mail      encrypt          1
   Route  mail      report           etc/report_all
   Route  user      error_ok         1
   Route  user      email            email
   Route  user      reply            service@akopia.com
   Route  user      report           etc/user_copy
   Route  log       empty            1
   Route  log       report           etc/log_transaction
   Route  log       transactions     "transactions orderline inventory"
   Route  log       track            logs/log
   Route  main      supplant         1
   Route  main      receipt          etc/receipt.html
   Route  main      master           log mail user
   Route  main      cascade          log mail user
   Route  main      encrypt_program  "/usr/bin/gpg -e -a r '%s' --batch"


This will have the following behavior:

LI1: Order
.The master order route is I<main>, the last one defined. It cascades the
routes I<log>, I<mail>, and I<user>, which means they will run in that
order at the completion of the I<main> route. The individual item routes
C<HARD> and C<SOFT>, if applicable, will run before those.

LI1: Transactions
.The route I<log> specifies the tables that will be put in transaction
mode, in this case C<transactions> C<orderline>, and C<inventory>.

LI1: Failure
.All order routes must succeed except I<user>, which has C<error_ok> set to 1.

LI1: Encryption
The I<mail> order route and the C<HARD> order route will be sent by email,
and encrypted against different GPG key IDs. They will get their C<encrypt_program>
setting from the main route.

To set the order routing for individual items, some method of determining their
status must be made and the C<mv_order_route> attribute must be set. This could
be set at the time of the item being placed in the basket, or have a database
field called C<goods_type> set to the appropriate value. The following example
uses a Perl routine on the final order form:

!block example
[perl table=products]
   my %route;
   my $item;
   foreach $item (@{$Items}) {
       my $code = $item->{code};
	   my $keycode = $Tag->data('products', 'goods_type', $code);
       $item->{mv_order_route} = $keycode;

Now the individual items are labeled with a C<mv_order_route> value which
causes their inclusion in the appropriate order routing.

Upon submission of the order form, any item labeled C<HARD> will be accumulated
and sent to the e-mail address C<hardgoods@akopia.com>, where the item will be
pulled from inventory and shipped.

Any item labeled C<SOFT> will be passed to the order profile
C<create_download_link>, which will place it in a staging area for customer
download. (This would be supported by a link on the receipt, possibly by
reading a value set in the profile).

Red Hat, Inc., 131 Willow Lane, Floor 2, Oxford, OH  45056
phone +1.513.523.7621 fax 7501 <mheins@redhat.com>

Unix version of an Outlook-style virus:
It works on the honor system. Please forward this message to everyone
you know, and delete a bunch of your files at random.