[Docs] Added Config directive "DataTrace"

Mike Heins mheins@redhat.com
Sun, 18 Mar 2001 10:51:47 -0500

=head2 DataTrace

Set DBI to trace at the level specified. Valid values are:

    0 - Trace disabled.
    1 - Trace DBI method calls returning with results or errors.
    2 - Trace method entry with parameters and returning with results.
    3 - As above, adding some high-level information from the driver
    and some internal information from the DBI.
    4 - As above, adding more detailed information from the driver.
    Also includes DBI mutex information when using threaded Perl.
    5 and above - As above but with more and more obscure information.

Trace level 1 is best for most Interchange debug situations. Trace
will only be enabled when C<DebugFile> is specified, as that file
is the target for the trace.

    DataTrace   1

Default is 0.

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