[docs] xmldocs - docelic modified 2 files

docs at icdevgroup.org docs at icdevgroup.org
Thu Oct 14 16:14:01 EDT 2004

User:      docelic
Date:      2004-10-14 20:14:01 GMT
Added:     refs     rand email
- New items

Revision  Changes    Path
1.1                  xmldocs/refs/rand

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: rand
__NAME__ purpose
return random element from an arbitrarily-separated list

__NAME__ synopsis
		<arg choice='plain'>file</arg>
	<entry>File to load elements from.</entry>
		<arg choice='plain'>separator</arg>
	<entry>Separator to split elements on.</entry>

__NAME__ description
This tag read the list of elements, separated by
<arg choice='plain'>separator</arg>, and returns one random element.
The list of elements can be either passed in from the 
<arg choice='plain'>file</arg> argument or it can be specified in-place,
in the tag body.
If the <arg choice='plain'>file</arg> argument is specified, it takes
precendence over the tag body content. Note that using large files
can impact performance, since they are read in to memory before a random
element is selected.

__NAME__ notes
During the split operation (performed on the list to extract single elements),
the whitespace <emphasis role='bold'>is</emphasis> significant, so make sure
you do not have excessive spaces around elements. If you do, and especially
if the separator used is a space character itself, you will sometimes get
empty elements in return.

__NAME__ example
	<title>Return one random word</title>
	Put the following on a test page:
[rand separator=" "]
Foo Bar Baz Quux Toad Stool

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/email

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: email
__NAME__ purpose
send e-mail using SendMailProgram

__NAME__ synopsis
		<arg choice='plain'>to</arg>
	<entry>E-mail address of the recipient.</entry>
		<arg choice='plain'>subject</arg>
	<entry><literal><![CDATA[<no subject>]]></literal></entry>
	<entry>Subject of the e-mail.</entry>
		<arg choice='plain'>reply</arg>
	<entry>E-mail address for reply.</entry>
		<arg choice='plain'>from</arg>
	<entry>First address from the <option>MailOrderTo</option> configuration directive.</entry>
	<entry>E-mail address of the sender.</entry>
		<arg choice='plain'>extra</arg>
	<entry>Additional e-mail headers to include. For example,
	<literal>Errors-To: errors at mydomain.local</literal>.</entry>
		<arg choice='plain'>hide</arg>
	<entry>Hide tag return value?</entry>

__NAME__ see also
email-raw, SendMailProgram, customsendmail

__NAME__ description
This tag simply feeds <option>SendMailProgram</option> with the 
e-mail body that you provide.
You do not need to provide the headers yourself, because you can pass
all relevant information using tag parameters.
The <arg choice='plain'>to</arg> parameter must be supplied and contain
a valid e-mail address, or the message surely won't be delivered.

__NAME__ example
	<title>Simple e-mail message</title>
	Put the following on a test page:
  to="root at mydomain.local"
Hello, World!

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