[docs] xmldocs - docelic modified 3 files

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Fri Aug 12 13:58:59 EDT 2005

User:      docelic
Date:      2005-08-12 17:58:58 GMT
Added:     refs     DatabaseAuto DatabaseAutoIgnore TrackPageParam
Three new items

Revision  Changes    Path
1.1                  xmldocs/refs/DatabaseAuto

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: DatabaseAuto
__NAME__ purpose
automatically register existing database tables for use with Interchange

__NAME__ synopsis
	<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>DSN</replaceable></arg>
	<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>username</replaceable></arg>
	<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>password</replaceable></arg>

__NAME__ see also

__NAME__ description
The directive automatically registers database tables found for use with &IC;. 
This only works for SQL databases, and the parameters provided to
&conf-DatabaseAuto; are used to establish the connection to the database.
For example, a setting of
DatabaseAuto   dbi:<replaceable>mysql:test_foundation  interch  pass</replaceable>

would do the equivalent of:

NoImport <replaceable>TABLENAME</replaceable>
Database <replaceable>TABLENAME</replaceable> <replaceable>TABLENAME</replaceable>.txt dbi:<replaceable>mysql:test_foundation</replaceable>
Database <replaceable>TABLENAME</replaceable> USER <replaceable>interch</replaceable>
Database <replaceable>TABLENAME</replaceable> PASS <replaceable>pass</replaceable>

for every table (not view) found in the database

If the &PERL; module <classname>DBIx::DBSchema</classname> was found,
it would also dump the specification needed to re-create the table structures
(which you can use as the <literal>CREATE_SQL</literal> parameter to

Database  <replaceable>TABLENAME</replaceable> CREATE_SQL   CREATE TABLE <replaceable>TABLENAME ( ...)</replaceable>

This information is available in <varname>$Vend:Cfg</varname> or 
<varname>$Config</varname> (depending on whether the context is global 
or local) and it is trivial to dump it to the screen or file.
See <xref linkend="DatabaseAuto_examples"/>.

__NAME__ notes
For more about &IC; and databases, and supported formats, see &glos-database;
glossary entry.

__NAME__ example: Standard DatabaseAuto definition, a standalone example
First, make sure MySQL is installed, then connect to it as root (using the
<command>mysql</command> command-line tool), and issue the following 
commands to both create a sample database and allow access to it:

create database interchange;
use interchange;
create table table1(code INT, price INT, description VARCHAR(60));
create table table2(code INT, price INT, description VARCHAR(60));
create table table3(code INT, price INT, description VARCHAR(60));
create table table4(code INT, price INT, description VARCHAR(60));
grant all privileges on interchange.* to interchange at localhost identified by 'pass';

Add the following to your &ccf;:
DatabaseAuto dbi:mysql:interchange interchange pass

At &IC; restart or catalog reconfiguration time, &IC; should discover the
tables in the database and make them available for use.

__NAME__ example: Getting a dump of $Vend::Cfg and extracting table creation commands
If <classname>DBIx::DBSchema</classname> &PERL; module is installed, &IC;
is able to produce the commands that you need to run to recreate the structure
of the database tables. This can be useful for backup purposes and remote 
copying, or just to get the layout, tune it to your needs, insert literally in
&ccf; and finally turn off &conf-DatabaseAuto;.
So first of all, implement the above base example.

Then make sure the <classname>DBIx::DBSchema</classname> module is
installed by making &IC; fail to configure the catalog if it's missing &mdash;
add the following to your &ccf;:
Require module DBIx::DBSchema

Then, to dump <literal>CREATE_TABLE</literal> sequence for say,
<database>table1</database>, add the following to a separate Interchange page:
Creation sequence:
[perl] $Config->{Database}->{table1}->{CREATE_SQL}; [/perl]

Alternatively, to dump the complete <varname>$Vend::Cfg</varname> structure,
you could create a "<literal>cfgdump</literal>" usertag by saving the 
following contents as <filename>code/UserTag/cfgdump.tag</filename>:
UserTag cfgdump  Routine   <<EOR
sub {
        use Data::Dumper;
        Dumper $Vend::Cfg;
Then you could simply restart &IC; and call 
<code><![CDATA[<pre>[cfgdump]</pre>]]></code> in any &IC; page, and search
for <database>table1</database> in the output.

__NAME__ author

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/DatabaseAutoIgnore

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: DatabaseAutoIgnore
__NAME__ purpose
prevent DatabaseAuto from bringing in tables whose names match this regex pattern

__NAME__ synopsis
	<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>regexp</replaceable></arg>

__NAME__ see also

__NAME__ description
The directive prevents &conf-DatabaseAuto;
from automatially bringing in tables that match the specified
regular expression.
This directive <emphasis role='bold'>must</emphasis> be set before

__NAME__ notes
For more about &IC; and databases, and supported formats, see &glos-database;
glossary entry.

__NAME__ example: Specifying DatabaseAutoIgnore
This prevents &IC; from bringing in the new tables that get auto-added
to PostgreSQL 7.4 schema and cause errors.
DatabaseAutoIgnore  ^sql_

__NAME__ author

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/TrackPageParam

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: TrackPageParam
__NAME__ purpose
insert specified variables' values in the user track file

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain' rep='repeat'>page_name cgi_var1,cgi_var2</arg>

__NAME__ see also

__NAME__ description
Specify &IC; pages and &glos-CGI; variables whose values should be
inserted into user tracking file along with the visited page information.
Variable names and values are only printed if they are selected for
output using this directive, and they have really been passed onto the
target page.

__NAME__ notes

__NAME__ example: Setting TrackPageParam
First enable &conf-TrackFile; and then insert the following in &ccf;:
TrackPageParam  index  var1,var2      index2 var3,var4
The example will monitor values of the <literal>var1</literal>
and <literal>var2</literal> CGI variables on page
<filename>index.html</filename>, and 
values of the <literal>var3</literal>
and <literal>var4</literal> CGI variables on page
To see it in practice, visit the index page of your catalog, append 
<literal><![CDATA[&var1=TEST&var2=500]]></literal> to its URL, and press enter
to visit the page with those CGI variables defined. You'll see 
page accesses recorded in the user tracking file, along with the names
and values of the two variables. The log in the trackfile might look like this:
20050812  fft2VXwJ  1123868228  VIEWPAGE=index  var1=TEST var2=500

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