[docs] xmldocs - docelic modified 12 files

docs at icdevgroup.org docs at icdevgroup.org
Wed May 25 05:36:51 EDT 2005

User:      docelic
Date:      2005-05-25 09:36:50 GMT
Modified:  guides   faq.xml
Added:     refs     Mall OrderReport PageSelectField ParseVariables
Added:              Password Pragma PriceCommas PriceDivide ProductDir
Added:              ProductFiles RemoteUser
* 10 new config directives documented.

Revision  Changes    Path
1.2       +109 -2    xmldocs/guides/faq.xml

rev 1.2, prev_rev 1.1
Index: faq.xml
RCS file: /var/cvs/xmldocs/guides/faq.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- faq.xml	24 May 2005 21:42:18 -0000	1.1
+++ faq.xml	25 May 2005 09:36:50 -0000	1.2
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
-<qandadiv><title>How does &IC; work</title>
+<qandadiv><title>How does Interchange work</title>
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 Where are the images?
-&IC; is a &glos-CGI; program, and if relative image paths were used, erroneous 
+&IC; is a &glos-CGI;; program, and if relative image paths were used, erroneous 
 &glos-img; output like the following would have occured:
@@ -116,6 +116,113 @@
 Absolute image paths are not affected. An image such as
 <literal>/other/images/whatever.gif</literal> will not be changed.
+Configuration Problems
+Most &IC; configuration and setup problems are due to one of the following:
+<listitem><para>Wrong information given to makecat program.
+This is by far the most common problem. To install a working demo,
+&IC; needs to know what the &glos-DOCROOT; is and how to run &glos-CGI;
+programs. Details of this setup are server- and site-specific, which may
+require some research.
+Re-run the configuration again, and pay close attention to the prompts
+given. There are examples given which apply to most systems.
+If the web server is &APACHE; or NCSA, &IC; will try and parse its
+<filename>httpd.conf</filename> file to help you along, but many ISPs
+don't allow users to
+read these and it may fail.
+<listitem><para>Too-low version of &PERL;.
+If you have a &PERL; earlier than 5.005, &IC; will not work. Don't
+even try an earlier version.
+<listitem><para>&PERL; compiled with <literal>USE_THREADS</literal>.
+Run <command>perl -V</command>. If you see
+<literal>-DUSE_THREADS</literal> in the compilation definition,
+you might run into problems with &IC;.
+<para>Running &IC; as root</para>
+<para>You cannot run &IC; software as <systemitem class='username'>root</systemitem>.</para>
+Proper file ownership and permissions
+If you are setting &IC; up for the entire machine, and not just
+as a virtual host user, it is usual to create a special
+<systemitem class='username'>interch</systemitem> user
+to run the daemon and the link program. This means the directory listing
+for your <filename>cgi-bin/</filename> directory should be something like:
+-rwsr-xr-x   1 interchange users        6312 Dec 30 11:39 cgi-bin/simple
+and for the socket file it should be:
+srw-------   1 interchange users           0 Dec 30 11:41 etc/socket
+Once you have set up the software, you can easily install catalogs as
+<systemitem class='username'>root</systemitem> as long as your &glos-umask;
+is set to <literal>2</literal> or <literal>22</literal>.
+(The following assumes you have made the &IC; software owned and run by the
+special user <systemitem class='username'>interch</systemitem> and that each
+user has a &IC; catalogs directory <filename>/home/user/catalogs</filename>).
+The best way to set permissions on a multi-user system is to make all
+files group readable and writable (<literal>660</literal> or
+<literal>664</literal> &glos-mode;). If you have a
+system setup that places each user in their own group, make
+<systemitem class='username'>interch</systemitem> a member of each user's
+group and set ownership and permissions with:
+find <replaceable>/home/user/catalogs</replaceable> -print | xargs chown <replaceable>USER</replaceable>
+find <replaceable>/home/user/catalogs</replaceable> -print | xargs chgrp <replaceable>USER</replaceable>
+find <replaceable>/home/user/catalogs</replaceable> -print | xargs chmod g+rw
+For best results, set the user's default &glos-umask; to <literal>2</literal>,
+so that they will,
+by default, create files that have the proper permissions. If you have
+all users in the same group, the above is not secure. You should put
+<systemitem class="username">interch</systemitem> in a group of which no
+user is a member (perhaps
+<literal>interch</literal> would be a good choice ;-) and set all files
+owned by the group <literal>interch</literal> and all directories to &glos-mode;

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/Mall

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: Mall
__NAME__ purpose
issue cookies only for the current catalog, and not the base domain

__NAME__ see also

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain'>0</arg>
	<arg choice='plain'>1</arg>

__NAME__ description
Issue cookies only for the current catalog's script. By
default, when &IC; issues a cookie, it does so for the whole base domain.
This setting will allow multiple catalogs to operate on the same domain
without interfering with each others session ID.

__NAME__ example: Enabling Mall
Mall 1

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/OrderReport

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: OrderReport
__NAME__ purpose
specify location of the order report form

__NAME__ see also

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>filename</replaceable></arg>

__NAME__ description
Specify location of the simple order report file.

__NAME__ example: Setting OrderReport
OrderReport /data/order-form

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/PageSelectField

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: PageSelectField
__NAME__ purpose
specify products database column used to select the flypage

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>column_name</replaceable></arg>

__NAME__ description
Sets a <database>products</database> database column which can be used to
select the on-the-fly template page (the &glos-flypage;). This allows
multiple flypages to be defined and selected automatically. If the field
is empty (no spaces!), the default will be used.

__NAME__ example: Setting PageSelectField
PageSelectField display_page

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/ParseVariables

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: ParseVariables
__NAME__ purpose
parse (interpolate ITL and variables) variable values before storing them

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain'>0</arg>
	<arg choice='plain'>1</arg>

__NAME__ description
Specify that global and catalog variables should be parsed in catalog
configuration directives (not including the &conf-Variable; directives
themselves, which never have their contents parsed).
Applies only to variables with names in ALL CAPS. Our catalogs enable
&conf-ParseVariables; and usually rely on that behavior.

__NAME__ example: Enabling ParseVariables globally
ParseVariables 1

__NAME__ example: Defining a variable containing parse-needing data
Variable STORE_ID topshop

ParseVariables Yes
StaticDir  /home/__STORE_ID__/www/cat
ParseVariables No

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/Password

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: Password
__NAME__ purpose
password for RemoteUser

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>password</replaceable></arg>

__NAME__ description
Password that will cause internal authorization checks for &conf-RemoteUser;
to allow access.
The password must be encrypted, unless <varname>MV_NO_CRYPT</varname> is

__NAME__ notes
The encrypted password is a standard Unix crypt, which you can obtain either
using <command>makepasswd --crypt</command> or indirectly
using <command>htpasswd</command>, or invoking
<command>perl -le'print crypt("mypasswd","AA")'</command>,
where <literal>mypasswd</literal> is the desired password and
<literal>AA</literal> are your two always random characters.
See &var-MV_NO_CRYPT; and &tag-crypt; for more discussion.

__NAME__ see also
RemoteUser, MV_NO_CRYPT, crypt

__NAME__ example: Setting Password with an encrypted string corresponding to a blank password
Password bAWoVkuzphOX.

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/Pragma

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: Pragma
__NAME__ purpose
specify pragma's default value

__NAME__ synopsis
	<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>pragma_name</replaceable></arg>
	<arg choice='opt'><replaceable>value</replaceable></arg>

__NAME__ description
Sets the default value of an Interchange &glos-pragma;.

__NAME__ notes
Please see the &glos-pragma; glossary entry for complete information.

__NAME__ example: Enabling 'dynamic_variables' pragma (variant 1)
Pragma dynamic_variables

__NAME__ example: Enabling 'dynamic_variables' pragma (variant 2)
Pragma dynamic_variables 1

__NAME__ example: Disabling 'dynamic_variables' pragma
Pragma dynamic_variables 0

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/PriceCommas

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: PriceCommas
__NAME__ purpose
show thousands separator in price pictures

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain'>1</arg>
	<arg choice='plain'>0</arg>

__NAME__ description
If no commas are desired in price numbers (for the &tag-item-price; tag etc.),
disable this directive. 
Despite the possibly misleading directive name, &IC; does not always insert
a comma ("<literal>,</literal>") but a proper &glos-locale;-equivalent of it.

__NAME__ notes
This directive is overriden by eventual
&conf-Locale; <literal>price_picture</literal> definition.

__NAME__ see also

__NAME__ example: Disabling PriceCommas
PriceCommas 0

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/PriceDivide

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: PriceDivide
__NAME__ purpose
specify number to divide the price by, to obtain price in units

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>number</replaceable></arg>

__NAME__ description
The number the price should be divided by, to get the price in base units
(dollars or such).
For example, if you keep your prices specified in pennies (100th part of a
dollar), set the directive to <literal>100</literal>.

__NAME__ notes
This directive is overriden by eventual &conf-Locale; definition which,
by design of &conf-Locale;, allows it to be set differently for different

__NAME__ see also

__NAME__ example: Setting PriceDivide
PriceDivide 100

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/ProductDir

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: ProductDir
__NAME__ purpose
specify directory containing database files

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain'>directory</arg>

__NAME__ description
Specify the directory containing database files.
The directory cannot be absolute, unless &conf-NoAbsolute; is disabled.

__NAME__ notes
The specified location is, unless absolute, treated relative to &glos-CATROOT;.

__NAME__ example: Setting ProductDir
ProductDir databases

__NAME__ example: Setting ProductDir to an absolute value
NoAbsolute 0

ProductDir /data/catalog/for-sale

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/ProductFiles

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: ProductFiles
__NAME__ purpose
specify all databases containing products that form one big "products" database

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain' rep='repeat'><replaceable>database</replaceable></arg>

__NAME__ description
Specify &glos-database; tables that should be, all together, logically seen
as one bigger <database>products</database> database.
For example, when doing product searches, all &conf-ProductFiles; databases
will be searched.

__NAME__ example: Setting ProductFiles
ProductFiles vendor_a vendor_b

1.1                  xmldocs/refs/RemoteUser

rev 1.1, prev_rev 1.0
Index: RemoteUser
__NAME__ purpose
specify required value of the REMOTE_USER environment variable

__NAME__ synopsis
<group choice='req'>
	<arg choice='plain'><replaceable>username</replaceable></arg>

__NAME__ description
Specify required value of the <envar>REMOTE_USER</envar> HTTP environment 
variable that will enable catalog reconfiguration. HTTP basic authentication
must be set configured independently at web server side, for this to work.

__NAME__ see also

__NAME__ example: Setting RemoteUser
RemoteUser interchange

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