[interchange-cvs] interchange - heins modified 7 files

interchange-cvs at icdevgroup.org interchange-cvs at icdevgroup.org
Tue May 3 02:03:27 EDT 2005

User:      heins
Date:      2005-05-03 06:03:27 GMT
Modified:  lib/Vend Config.pm Dispatch.pm Form.pm Interpolate.pm
Modified:           Parse.pm Server.pm Util.pm
* Implement new AccumulateCode and TagRepository directives. The rationale

    -- There is a huge base of Interchange code, much of which is not
       needed in even the standard catalog with full UI. This causes a
       larger memory profile than necessary.

    -- It is difficult to determine from the page code what code is
       needed, especially when a [tag] can call a $Tag can call
       a filter can call some sort of Action.

    -- A feature is needed to allow building catalogs with a more
       nearly optimal set of code than just "everything".

  If AccumulateCode is no, operation is exactly as before. There have
  been some code initialization changes and routine calling changes,
  but the data structures are identical and no difference in operation
  should be seen.

  If you set AccumulateCode to "Yes" and specify a TagRepository that
  contains all known UserTag, ActionMap, Filter, Widget, etc. etc.
  code, Interchange starts accumulating and compiling these as

  The code is sent to the master process for compilation and
  incorporation, so that the next iteration of a page after HouseKeeping
  seconds will find the code already compiled and ready to go.

  It also copies the code file to the "code" (actually $Global::TagDir)
  directory in the "Accumulated" subdirectory tree. When you restart
  Interchange, these tags/filters/widgets/checks are read normally
  and need not be recompiled on the fly.

  Over time, as you access pages and routines, a full set of tags
  will be developed and you can turn AccumulateCode to "No".

* There can be failures due to calling a $Tag from within embedded
  Perl for the first time, particularly when it uses a MapRoutine or
  calls another $Tag within. This is due to Safe, and there is probably
  not much to be done about it. The good news is that the error should
  go away after HouseKeeping seconds when the tag gets compiled by the

  This could be avoided in the case of an AllowGlobal catalog, and it
  might be possible to make a directive that turns on AllowGlobal only
  when in AccumulateCode mode.

  The area, tmp, tmpn, and image tags are known to fail in this
  way in the standard catalog. Tags that are frequently called
  in this fashion should probably be placed in a "code/Vital"
  directory and not be accumulated.

* This is only recommended for development -- it might
  be possible to remove a tag/filter/etc. from the master
  and recompile these on the fly, but I haven't looked at that

  Another nice feature is that you can easily add a tag simply
  by adding its code to the TagRepository and having it

* WARNING: Nice features are often dangerous! Don't run this in
  production -- you have been warned!

* WARNING: OrderCheck is not yet implemented, and a full audit has
  not been done on all compiled code directives.

* WARNING: Not fully tested in Prefork mode, and really not intended for
  that mode.

* WARNING: Including multiple tags in a file may have unpredictable
  behavior. You should try to keep related Alias and tag things in
  the same file.

* This feature only applies to Global code -- Catalog-based code
  shows no change.

* Passes the regression tests 100% when called with an empty "code"
  directory, compiling every tested tag and executing without error.

Revision  Changes    Path
2.170     +390 -121  interchange/lib/Vend/Config.pm

rev 2.170, prev_rev 2.169
Index: Config.pm
RCS file: /var/cvs/interchange/lib/Vend/Config.pm,v
retrieving revision 2.169
retrieving revision 2.170
diff -u -r2.169 -r2.170
--- Config.pm	30 Apr 2005 15:09:57 -0000	2.169
+++ Config.pm	3 May 2005 06:03:26 -0000	2.170
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Vend::Config - Configure Interchange
-# $Id: Config.pm,v 2.169 2005/04/30 15:09:57 mheins Exp $
+# $Id: Config.pm,v 2.170 2005/05/03 06:03:26 mheins Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Interchange Development Group
 # Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Red Hat, Inc.
@@ -37,11 +37,12 @@
 use vars qw(
 			@Locale_directives_ary @Locale_directives_scalar
-			@Locale_directives_code
+			@Locale_directives_code %tagCanon
 			%ContainerSave %ContainerTrigger %ContainerSpecial %ContainerType
 			%Default %Dispatch_code %Dispatch_priority
 			@Locale_directives_currency @Locale_keys_currency
 			$GlobalRead  $SystemCodeDone $SystemGroupsDone $CodeDest
+			$SystemReposDone $ReposDest
 use Safe;
 use Fcntl;
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
 use Vend::File;
 use Vend::Data;
-$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 2.169 $, 10);
+$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 2.170 $, 10);
 my %CDname;
 my %CPname;
@@ -202,6 +203,110 @@
+my %extmap = qw/
+	ia	ItemAction
+	fa	FormAction
+	am	ActionMap
+	oc	OrderCheck
+	ut	UserTag
+	fi	Filter
+	so	SearchOp
+	fw	Widget
+	lc	LocaleChange
+	tag	UserTag
+	ct	CoreTag
+	jsc	JavaScriptCheck
+for( values %extmap ) {
+	$extmap{lc $_} = $_;
+%tagCanon = ( qw(
+	group			Group
+	actionmap		ActionMap
+	arraycode		ArrayCode
+	hashcode		HashCode
+	coretag  		CoreTag
+	searchop 		SearchOp
+	filter			Filter
+	formaction		FormAction
+	ordercheck		OrderCheck
+	usertag			UserTag
+	systemtag		SystemTag
+	widget  		Widget
+	alias			Alias
+	addattr  		addAttr
+	attralias		attrAlias
+	attrdefault		attrDefault
+	cannest			canNest
+	description  	Description
+	override	  	Override
+	visibility  	Visibility
+	help		  	Help
+	documentation	Documentation
+	extrameta		ExtraMeta
+	gobble			Gobble
+	hasendtag		hasEndTag
+	implicit		Implicit
+	interpolate		Interpolate
+	invalidatecache	InvalidateCache
+	isendanchor		isEndAnchor
+	norearrange		noRearrange
+	order			Order
+	posnumber		PosNumber
+	posroutine		PosRoutine
+	maproutine		MapRoutine
+	noreparse		NoReparse
+	javascriptcheck JavaScriptCheck
+	required		Required
+	routine			Routine
+	version			Version
+my %tagAry 	= ( qw! Order 1 Required 1 ! );
+my %tagHash	= ( qw!
+                attrAlias   1
+                Implicit    1
+				attrDefault	1
+				! );
+my %tagBool = ( qw!
+                ActionMap   1
+                addAttr     1
+                canNest     1
+                Filter      1
+                FormAction  1
+                hasEndTag   1
+                Interpolate 1
+                isEndAnchor 1
+                isOperator  1
+                ItemAction  1
+				noRearrange	1
+				NoReparse   1
+                OrderCheck  1
+                UserTag     1
+				! );
+my %current_dest;
+my %valid_dest = qw/
+					actionmap        ActionMap
+					coretag          UserTag
+					filter           Filter
+					formaction       FormAction
+					itemaction       ItemAction
+					ordercheck       OrderCheck
+					usertag          UserTag
+					hashcode         HashCode
+					arraycode        ArrayCode
+					searchop 		 SearchOp
+					widget           Widget
+					javascriptcheck  JavaScriptCheck
+				/;
 my $StdTags;
 use vars qw/ $configfile /;
@@ -303,6 +408,8 @@
 												? ($Global::Unix_Mode || 0) : 'Yes'],
 	['TcpMap',           'hash',             ''],
+	['TagRepository',    'root_dir',         ''],
+	['AccumulateCode',   'yesno',         	 'No'],
 	['Environment',      'array',            ''],
 	['TcpHost',           undef,             'localhost'],
 	['AcceptRedirect',	 'yesno',			 'No'],
@@ -624,6 +731,124 @@
+sub code_from_file {
+	my ($area, $name, $nohup) = @_;
+	my $c;
+	my $fn;
+#::logDebug("code_from_file $area, $name");
+	return unless $c = $Global::TagLocation->{$area};
+#::logDebug("We have a repos for $area");
+	return unless $fn = $c->{$name};
+#::logDebug("code_from_file found file=$fn");
+#::logDebug("master reading in new area=$area name=$name fn=$fn") if $nohup;
+	local $/;
+	$/ = "\n";
+	undef $C;
+	my $tdir = $Global::TagDir->[0];
+	my $accdir = "$tdir/Accumulated";
+	my $newfn = $fn;
+	$newfn =~ s{^$Global::TagRepository/*}{};
+	my $lfile = "$accdir/$newfn";
+	my $ldir = $lfile;
+	$ldir =~ s{/[^/]+$}{};
+	unless(-d $ldir) {
+		die "Supposed directory $ldir is a file" if -e $ldir;
+		File::Path::mkpath($ldir)
+			or die "Cannot create directory $ldir: $!";
+	}
+	my $printnew;
+	if(-f $lfile) {
+		## This has already been submitted for master integration, no
+		## need to do it
+		$nohup = 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		open NEWTAG, ">> $lfile"
+			or die "Cannot write new tag file $lfile: $!";
+		if (lockfile(\*NEWTAG, 1, 0)) {
+			## We got a lock, we are the only one
+			File::Copy::copy($fn, $lfile);
+			unlockfile(\*NEWTAG);
+			close NEWTAG;
+		}
+		else {
+			## No lock, some other process doing same thing
+		}
+	}
+	open SYSTAG, "< $fn"
+		or config_error("read system tag file %s: %s", $fn, $!);
+	while(<SYSTAG>) {
+		my $line = $_;
+		my($lvar, $value) = read_config_value($_, \*SYSTAG);
+		next unless $lvar;
+		eval {
+			$GlobalRead->($lvar, $value);
+		};
+		if($@ =~ /Duplicate\s+usertag/i) {
+			next;
+		}
+	}
+    close SYSTAG;
+    close NEWTAG;
+	finalize_mapped_code($area);
+	my $precursor = '';
+	my $routine;
+	my $init;
+	if($area eq 'UserTag') {
+		$init = $Global::UserTag->{Bootstrap}{$name};
+		$routine = $Global::UserTag->{Routine}{$name};
+#::logDebug("NO ROUTINE FOR area=$area name=$name") unless $routine;
+	}
+	else {
+		$precursor = 'CodeDef ';
+		$init = $Global::CodeDef->{$area}{Bootstrap}{$name};
+		$routine = $Global::CodeDef->{$area}{Routine}{$name};
+		if(! $routine) {
+			no strict 'refs';
+			$routine = $Global::CodeDef->{$area}{MapRoutine}{$name}
+				and $routine = \&{"$routine"};
+		}
+#::logDebug("area=$area name=$name now=" . ::uneval($Global::CodeDef->{$area}));
+	}
+	if($init and ref($routine) eq 'CODE') {
+		## Attempt to initialize
+		$init = Vend::Util::get_option_hash($init);
+		$routine->($init);
+	}
+	## Tell the master server we have a new tag
+	unless($nohup) {
+#::logDebug("notifying master of new area=$area name=$name fn=$fn");
+		## Bring this tag in global
+		open(RESTART, ">>$Global::RunDir/restart")
+				or die "open $Global::RunDir/restart: $!\n";
+		lockfile(\*RESTART, 1, 1)
+				or die "lock $Global::RunDir/restart: $!\n";
+		print RESTART "$precursor$area $name\n";
+		unlockfile(\*RESTART)
+				or die "unlock $Global::RunDir/restart: $!\n";
+		close RESTART;
+		kill 'HUP', $Vend::MasterProcess;
+	}
+#::logDebug("routine=$routine for area=$area name=$name");
+#::logDebug("REF IS=" . ::uneval($Global::UserTag)) if $nohup;
+	return $routine;
 sub set_directive {
 	my ($directive, $value, $global) = @_;
 	my $directives;
@@ -1227,25 +1452,6 @@
 use File::Find;
-my %extmap = qw/
-	ia	ItemAction
-	fa	FormAction
-	am	ActionMap
-	oc	OrderCheck
-	ut	UserTag
-	fi	Filter
-	so	SearchOp
-	fw	Widget
-	lc	LocaleChange
-	tag	UserTag
-	ct	CoreTag
-	jsc	JavaScriptCheck
-for( values %extmap ) {
-	$extmap{lc $_} = $_;
 sub get_system_groups {
 	my @files;
@@ -1269,6 +1475,59 @@
+sub get_repos_code {
+#::logDebug("get_repos_code called");
+	return unless $Global::TagRepository;
+	return if $Vend::ControllingInterchange;
+	my @files;
+	my $wanted = sub {
+		return if (m{^\.} || ! -f $_);
+		return unless m{^[^.]+\.(\w+)$};
+		my $ext = $extmap{lc $1} or return;
+		push @files, [ $File::Find::name, $ext];
+	};
+	File::Find::find($wanted, $Global::TagRepository);
+	my $c = $Global::TagLocation = {};
+	# %valid_dest is scoped as my variable above
+	for(@files) {
+		my $foundfile	= $_->[0];
+		my $dest		= $_->[1];
+		open SYSTAG, "< $foundfile"
+			or next;
+		while(<SYSTAG>) {
+			my($lvar, $value) = read_config_value($_, \*SYSTAG);
+			my $name;
+			my $dest;
+			if($lvar eq 'codedef') {
+				$value =~ s/^(\S+)\s+(\S+).*//s;
+				$dest = $valid_dest{lc $2};
+				$name = $1;
+			}
+			elsif($dest = $valid_dest{$lvar}) {
+				$value =~ m/^(\S+)\s+/
+				and $name = $1;
+			}
+			next unless $dest and $name;
+			$name = lc $name;
+			$name =~ s/-/_/g;
+			$c->{$dest} ||= {};
+			$c->{$dest}{$name} ||= $foundfile;
+		}
+		close SYSTAG;
+	}
+#::logDebug("repos is:\n" . ::uneval($Global::TagLocation));
 sub get_system_code {
 	return if $CodeDest;
@@ -1320,6 +1579,7 @@
 	s/\s+$//;		#  trailing spaces
 	return undef unless $_;
+::logGlobal("What is going on? line=$_") unless /^.*\S.*/;
 	$Vend::config_line = $_;
@@ -1335,7 +1595,7 @@
 	else {
 		# lines read from the config file become untainted
-		m/^[ \t]*(\w+)\s+(.*)/ or config_error("Syntax error");
+		m/^[ \t]*(\w+)\s+(.*)/ or config_error("Syntax error from $_");
 		$var = $1;
 		$value = $2;
@@ -1487,21 +1747,25 @@
 	my $read = sub {
 		my ($lvar, $value, $tie) = @_;
+#::logDebug("Doing a GlobalRead for $lvar") unless $Global::Foreground;
 		unless (defined $CDname{$lvar}) {
 			config_error("Unknown directive '%s'", $var);
+#::logDebug("Continuing a GlobalRead for $lvar") unless $Global::Foreground;
 		if (defined $DumpSource{$CDname{$directive}}) {
 			$Global::Structure->{ $CDname{$directive} } = $value;
 		# call the parsing function for this directive
 		$parse = $parse{$lvar};
+#::logDebug("parse routine is $parse for $CDname{$lvar}") unless $Global::Foreground;
 		$value = $parse->($CDname{$lvar}, $value) if defined $parse;
 		# and set the Global::directive variable
 		${'Global::' . $CDname{$lvar}} = $value;
+#::logDebug("It is now=" . ::uneval($value)) unless $Global::Foreground;
 		$Global::Structure->{ $CDname{$lvar} } = $value
 			unless defined $DontDump{ $CDname{$lvar} };
@@ -1600,7 +1864,10 @@
-	undef $GlobalRead;
+	undef $GlobalRead unless $Global::AccumulateCode;
+	## Pulls in the places where code can be found when AccumulatingTags
+	get_repos_code() if $Global::AccumulateCode;
@@ -3977,118 +4244,116 @@
-my %tagCanon = ( qw(
+sub map_widgets {
+	my $ref;
+	my $return	= ($ref = $Vend::Cfg->{CodeDef}{Widget})
+						? $ref->{Routine}
+						: {};
+	if(my $ref = $Global::CodeDef->{Widget}{Routine}) {
+		while ( my ($k, $v) = each %$ref) {
+			next if $return->{$k};
+			$return->{$k} = $v;
+		}
+	}
+	if(my $ref = $Global::CodeDef->{Widget}{MapRoutine}) {
+		no strict 'refs';
+		while ( my ($k, $v) = each %$ref) {
+			next if $return->{$k};
+			$return->{$k} = \&{"$v"};
+		}
+	}
+	return $return;
-	group			Group
-	actionmap		ActionMap
-	arraycode		ArrayCode
-	hashcode		HashCode
-	coretag  		CoreTag
-	searchop 		SearchOp
-	filter			Filter
-	formaction		FormAction
-	ordercheck		OrderCheck
-	usertag			UserTag
-	systemtag		SystemTag
-	widget  		Widget
+sub map_codedef_to_directive {
+	my $type = shift;
-	alias			Alias
-	addattr  		addAttr
-	attralias		attrAlias
-	attrdefault		attrDefault
-	cannest			canNest
-	description  	Description
-	override	  	Override
-	visibility  	Visibility
-	help		  	Help
-	documentation	Documentation
-	extrameta		ExtraMeta
-	gobble			Gobble
-	hasendtag		hasEndTag
-	implicit		Implicit
-	interpolate		Interpolate
-	invalidatecache	InvalidateCache
-	isendanchor		isEndAnchor
-	norearrange		noRearrange
-	order			Order
-	posnumber		PosNumber
-	posroutine		PosRoutine
-	maproutine		MapRoutine
-	noreparse		NoReparse
-	javascriptcheck JavaScriptCheck
-	required		Required
-	routine			Routine
-	version			Version
+	no strict 'refs';
+	my $c;
+	my $cfg;
-my %tagAry 	= ( qw! Order 1 Required 1 Version 1 ! );
-my %tagHash	= ( qw!
-                attrAlias   1
-                Implicit    1
-				attrDefault	1
-				! );
-my %tagBool = ( qw!
-                ActionMap   1
-                addAttr     1
-                canNest     1
-                Filter      1
-                FormAction  1
-                hasEndTag   1
-                Interpolate 1
-                isEndAnchor 1
-                isOperator  1
-                ItemAction  1
-				noRearrange	1
-				NoReparse   1
-                OrderCheck  1
-                UserTag     1
-				! );
+	if( $C ) {
+		$c = $C->{CodeDef};
+		$cfg = $C->{$type}			||= {};
+	}
+	else {
+		$c = $Global::CodeDef;
+		$cfg =${"Global::$type"}	||= {};
+	}
-my %current_dest;
-my %valid_dest = qw/
-					actionmap        ActionMap
-					coretag          UserTag
-					filter           Filter
-					formaction       FormAction
-					itemaction       ItemAction
-					ordercheck       OrderCheck
-					usertag          UserTag
-					hashcode         HashCode
-					arraycode        ArrayCode
-					searchop 		 SearchOp
-					widget           Widget
-				/;
+	my $ref;
+	my $r;
-sub finalize_mapped_code {
-	my $c = $C ? $C->{CodeDef} : $Global::CodeDef;
-	my ($typeref, $ref, $cfg);
+	next unless $r = $c->{$type};
+	next unless $ref = $r->{Routine};
-	if(! $C && ($typeref = $c->{Filter}) && ($ref = $typeref->{Routine})) {
-		for(keys %$ref) {
-			$Vend::Interpolate::Filter{$_} = $ref->{$_};
+	for(keys %$ref ) {
+		$cfg->{$_} = $ref->{$_};
-		if ($ref = $typeref->{Alias}) {
+sub global_map_codedef {
+	my $type = shift;
+	map_codedef_to_directive($type);
+	Vend::Dispatch::update_global_actions();
+my %MappedInit = (
+	Filter => sub {
+#::logDebug("Called filter MappedInit");
+		return if $C;
+#::logDebug("No \$C");
+		my $c = $Global::CodeDef;
+		my $typeref = $c->{Filter}
+			or return;
+		my $submap = $typeref->{Routine}
+			or return;
+		for(keys %$submap) {
+#::logDebug("Setting Filter for $_=$submap->{$_}");
+			$Vend::Interpolate::Filter{$_} = $submap->{$_};
+		}
+		if (my $ref = $typeref->{Alias}) {
+#::logDebug("We have an Alias ref");
 			for(keys %$ref) {
+#::logDebug("Checking Alias ref for $_=$ref->{$_}");
 				if (exists $Vend::Interpolate::Filter{$ref->{$_}}) {
-					$Vend::Interpolate::Filter{$_} = $Vend::Interpolate::Filter{$ref->{$_}};
+#::logDebug("Setting Alias ref to $Vend::Interpolate::Filter{$ref->{$_}}");
+					$submap->{$_}
+						= $Vend::Interpolate::Filter{$_}
+						= $Vend::Interpolate::Filter{$ref->{$_}};
+#::logDebug("Filter is " . ::uneval(\%Vend::Interpolate::Filter));
+	},
+	ItemAction	=> \&map_codedef_to_directive,
+	OrderCheck	=> \&map_codedef_to_directive,
+	ActionMap	=> \&global_map_codedef,
+	FormAction	=> \&global_map_codedef,
+	Widget		=> sub {
+						return unless $Vend::Cfg;
+						$Vend::UserWidget = map_widgets();
+					},
+	UserTag		=> sub {
+						return if $C;
+						return unless $Vend::Cfg;
+						Vend::Parse::add_tags($Global::UserTag);
+					},
+sub finalize_mapped_code {
+	my @types = @_;
+	unless(@types) {
+		@types = grep $_, values %valid_dest;
-	no strict 'refs';
-	for my $type (qw/ ActionMap FormAction ItemAction OrderCheck /) {
-		my $ref;
-		my $r;
-		next unless $r = $c->{$type};
-		next unless $ref = $r->{Routine};
-		my $cfg = $C
-				  ? ($C->{$type}		||= {})
-				  : (${"Global::$type"}	||= {})
-				  ;
-		for(keys %$ref ) {
-			$cfg->{$_} = $ref->{$_};
+	for my $type (@types) {
+		if(my $sub = $MappedInit{$type}) {
+			$sub->($type);
@@ -4164,6 +4429,7 @@
 	my ($var, $value) = @_;
 	my ($new);
+#::logDebug("parse_tag var=$var val=$value") unless $Global::Foreground;
 	return if $Vend::ExternalProgram;
 	unless (defined $value && $value) { 
@@ -4173,6 +4439,7 @@
 	return parse_mapped_code($var, $value)
 		if $var ne 'UserTag';
+#::logDebug("ready to read tag, C='$C' SystemCodeDone=$SystemCodeDone") unless $Global::Foreground;
 	get_system_code() unless defined $SystemCodeDone;
 	my $c = defined $C ? $C->{UserTag} : $Global::UserTag;
@@ -4194,6 +4461,7 @@
 		return $c unless $Global::TagInclude->{$tag} || $Global::TagInclude->{ALL};
+#::logDebug("ready to read tag=$tag p=$p") unless $Global::Foreground;
 	if($p eq 'Override') {
 		for (keys %$c) {
 			delete $c->{$_}{$tag};
@@ -4273,6 +4541,7 @@
 			unless defined $c->{Order}{$tag};
 	elsif (! $C and $p eq 'MapRoutine') {
+#::logDebug("In MapRoutine ") unless $Global::Foreground;
 		$val =~ s/^\s+//;
 		$val =~ s/\s+$//;
 		no strict 'refs';

1.53      +4 -2      interchange/lib/Vend/Dispatch.pm

rev 1.53, prev_rev 1.52
Index: Dispatch.pm
RCS file: /var/cvs/interchange/lib/Vend/Dispatch.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.52
retrieving revision 1.53
diff -u -r1.52 -r1.53
--- Dispatch.pm	30 Apr 2005 15:09:58 -0000	1.52
+++ Dispatch.pm	3 May 2005 06:03:26 -0000	1.53
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Vend::Dispatch - Handle Interchange page requests
-# $Id: Dispatch.pm,v 1.52 2005/04/30 15:09:58 mheins Exp $
+# $Id: Dispatch.pm,v 1.53 2005/05/03 06:03:26 mheins Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Interchange Development Group
 # Copyright (C) 2002 Mike Heins <mike at perusion.net>
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 package Vend::Dispatch;
 use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 1.52 $, 10);
+$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 1.53 $, 10);
 use POSIX qw(strftime);
 use Vend::Util;
@@ -642,8 +642,10 @@
 		$sub = $Vend::Cfg->{FormAction}{$todo};
     elsif (not $sub = $form_action{$todo} ) {
+		unless ($sub = Vend::Util::codedef_routine('FormAction', $todo)) {
 		interaction_error("No action passed for processing\n");
+    }
 	eval {
 		$status = $sub->($todo);

2.60      +11 -23    interchange/lib/Vend/Form.pm

rev 2.60, prev_rev 2.59
Index: Form.pm
RCS file: /var/cvs/interchange/lib/Vend/Form.pm,v
retrieving revision 2.59
retrieving revision 2.60
diff -u -r2.59 -r2.60
--- Form.pm	30 Apr 2005 15:09:58 -0000	2.59
+++ Form.pm	3 May 2005 06:03:26 -0000	2.60
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Vend::Form - Generate Form widgets
-# $Id: Form.pm,v 2.59 2005/04/30 15:09:58 mheins Exp $
+# $Id: Form.pm,v 2.60 2005/05/03 06:03:26 mheins Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Interchange Development Group
 # Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Red Hat, Inc.
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 require Exporter;
 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
-$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 2.59 $, 10);
+$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 2.60 $, 10);
 @EXPORT = qw (
@@ -1327,29 +1327,17 @@
-	# Optimization for large lists
-	unless($Vend::UserWidget) {
-		my $ref;
-		$Vend::UserWidget	= ($ref = $Vend::Cfg->{CodeDef}{Widget})
-							? $ref->{Routine}
-							: {};
-		if(my $ref = $Global::CodeDef->{Widget}{Routine}) {
-			while ( my ($k, $v) = each %$ref) {
-				next if $Vend::UserWidget->{$k};
-				$Vend::UserWidget->{$k} = $v;
-			}
-		}
-		if(my $ref = $Global::CodeDef->{Widget}{MapRoutine}) {
-			no strict 'refs';
-			while ( my ($k, $v) = each %$ref) {
-				next if $Vend::UserWidget->{$k};
-				$Vend::UserWidget->{$k} = \&{"$v"};
-			}
-		}
+	# Optimization for large lists, we cache the widgets
+	$Vend::UserWidget ||= Vend::Config::map_widgets();
+	my $sub =  $Vend::UserWidget->{$type};
+	if(! $sub and $Global::AccumulateCode) {
+		$sub = Vend::Config::code_from_file('Widget', $type)
+			and $Vend::UserWidget->{$type} = $sub;
-	my $sub =  $Vend::UserWidget->{$type} || $Vend::UserWidget->{default};
-	$sub ||= \&template_sub; # Just in case "default" widget is removed
+	# Last in case "default" widget is removed
+	$sub ||= $Vend::UserWidget->{default} || \&template_sub;
 	if($opt->{variant}) {

2.245     +5 -4      interchange/lib/Vend/Interpolate.pm

rev 2.245, prev_rev 2.244
Index: Interpolate.pm
RCS file: /var/cvs/interchange/lib/Vend/Interpolate.pm,v
retrieving revision 2.244
retrieving revision 2.245
diff -u -r2.244 -r2.245
--- Interpolate.pm	2 May 2005 14:13:51 -0000	2.244
+++ Interpolate.pm	3 May 2005 06:03:26 -0000	2.245
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Vend::Interpolate - Interpret Interchange tags
-# $Id: Interpolate.pm,v 2.244 2005/05/02 14:13:51 mheins Exp $
+# $Id: Interpolate.pm,v 2.245 2005/05/03 06:03:26 mheins Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Interchange Development Group
 # Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Red Hat, Inc.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 require Exporter;
 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
-$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 2.244 $, 10);
+$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 2.245 $, 10);
 @EXPORT = qw (
@@ -727,12 +727,13 @@
-		unless (defined $Filter{$_}) {
+		my $sub;
+		unless ($sub = $Filter{$_} ||  Vend::Util::codedef_routine('Filter', $_) ) {
 			logError ("Unknown filter '%s'", $_);
 		unshift @args, $value, $tag;
-		$value = $Filter{$_}->(@args);
+		$value = $sub->(@args);
 #::logDebug("filter_value returns: value='$value'");
 	return $value;

2.33      +35 -2     interchange/lib/Vend/Parse.pm

rev 2.33, prev_rev 2.32
Index: Parse.pm
RCS file: /var/cvs/interchange/lib/Vend/Parse.pm,v
retrieving revision 2.32
retrieving revision 2.33
diff -u -r2.32 -r2.33
--- Parse.pm	30 Apr 2005 15:09:58 -0000	2.32
+++ Parse.pm	3 May 2005 06:03:26 -0000	2.33
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Vend::Parse - Parse Interchange tags
-# $Id: Parse.pm,v 2.32 2005/04/30 15:09:58 mheins Exp $
+# $Id: Parse.pm,v 2.33 2005/05/03 06:03:26 mheins Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Interchange Development Group
 # Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Red Hat, Inc.
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 @ISA = qw(Exporter Vend::Parser);
-$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 2.32 $, 10);
+$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 2.33 $, 10);
 @EXPORT = ();
 @EXPORT_OK = qw(find_matching_end);
@@ -425,13 +425,27 @@
 		if defined $Vend::Cfg->{AdminSub}{$tag} and
 			($Vend::restricted or ! $Vend::admin);
+	if (! defined $Routine{$tag} and $Global::AccumulateCode) {
+#::logDebug("missing $tag, trying code_from_file");
+		if($Alias{$tag}) {
+			$tag = $Alias{$tag};
+#::logDebug("missing $tag found alias=$tag");
+		}
+		else {
+			$Routine{$tag} = Vend::Config::code_from_file('UserTag', $tag)
+				if ! $Routine{$tag};
+		}
+	}
 	if (! defined $Routine{$tag}) {
+#::logDebug("missing $tag, but didn't try code_from_file?");
         if (! $Alias{$tag}) {
             ::logError("Tag '$tag' not defined.");
             return undef;
         $tag = $Alias{$tag};
 	if($Special{$tag}) {
 		my $ref = pop(@_);
 		my @args = @$ref{ @{$Order{$tag}} };
@@ -453,6 +467,7 @@
 		return &{$Routine{$tag}}(@args, $text || undef);
 	else {
+#::logDebug("Parse-do_tag tag=$tag: args now=" . ::uneval_it(\@_) );
 		return &{$Routine{$tag}}(@_);
@@ -460,6 +475,11 @@
 sub resolve_args {
 	my $tag = shift;
 #::logDebug("resolving args for $tag, attrAlias = $attrAlias{$tag}");
+	if (! defined $Routine{$tag} and $Global::AccumulateCode) {
+#::logDebug("missing $tag, trying code_from_file");
+		$Routine{$tag} = Vend::Config::code_from_file('UserTag', $tag);
+	}
 	return @_ unless defined $Routine{$tag};
 	my $ref = shift;
 	my @list;
@@ -630,6 +650,18 @@
     # $attr is reference to a HASH, $attrseq is reference to an ARRAY
 	my $aliasname = '';
+	if (! defined $Routine{$tag} and $Global::AccumulateCode) {
+		my $newtag;
+		if($newtag = $Alias{$tag}) {
+			$newtag =~ s/\s+.*//s;
+			Vend::Config::code_from_file('UserTag', $newtag)
+				unless $Routine{$newtag};
+		}
+		else {
+			Vend::Config::code_from_file('UserTag', $tag);
+		}
+	}
 	unless (defined $Routine{$tag}) {
 		if(defined $Alias{$tag}) {
 			$aliasname = $tag;
@@ -686,6 +718,7 @@
 	my ($routine, at args);
+#::logDebug("tag=$tag order=$Order{$tag}");
 	# Check for old-style positional tag
 	if(!@$attrseq and $origtext =~ s/\[[-\w]+\s+//i) {
 			$origtext =~ s/\]$//;

2.61      +10 -2     interchange/lib/Vend/Server.pm

rev 2.61, prev_rev 2.60
Index: Server.pm
RCS file: /var/cvs/interchange/lib/Vend/Server.pm,v
retrieving revision 2.60
retrieving revision 2.61
diff -u -r2.60 -r2.61
--- Server.pm	30 Apr 2005 14:51:29 -0000	2.60
+++ Server.pm	3 May 2005 06:03:26 -0000	2.61
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Vend::Server - Listen for Interchange CGI requests as a background server
-# $Id: Server.pm,v 2.60 2005/04/30 14:51:29 mheins Exp $
+# $Id: Server.pm,v 2.61 2005/05/03 06:03:26 mheins Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Interchange Development Group
 # Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Red Hat, Inc.
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 package Vend::Server;
 use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 2.60 $, 10);
+$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 2.61 $, 10);
 use POSIX qw(setsid strftime);
 use Vend::Util;
@@ -1084,6 +1084,7 @@
 				or die "lock $Global::RunDir/restart: $!\n";
 			while(<Vend::Server::RESTART>) {
+#::logDebug("restart file reads line '$_'");
 				my ($directive,$value) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
 				if($value =~ /<<(.*)/) {
 					my $mark = $1;
@@ -1107,6 +1108,13 @@
+					}
+					elsif( $directive =~ /^usertag$/i) {
+						Vend::Config::code_from_file($directive, $value, 'nohup');
+					}
+					elsif( $directive =~ /^codedef$/i) {
+						($directive, $value) = split /\s+/, $value, 2;
+						Vend::Config::code_from_file($directive, $value, 'nohup');
 					else {
 						::change_global_directive($directive, $value);

2.84      +42 -27    interchange/lib/Vend/Util.pm

rev 2.84, prev_rev 2.83
Index: Util.pm
RCS file: /var/cvs/interchange/lib/Vend/Util.pm,v
retrieving revision 2.83
retrieving revision 2.84
diff -u -r2.83 -r2.84
--- Util.pm	30 Apr 2005 15:09:58 -0000	2.83
+++ Util.pm	3 May 2005 06:03:26 -0000	2.84
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Vend::Util - Interchange utility functions
-# $Id: Util.pm,v 2.83 2005/04/30 15:09:58 mheins Exp $
+# $Id: Util.pm,v 2.84 2005/05/03 06:03:26 mheins Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Interchange Development Group
 # Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Red Hat, Inc.
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 use Vend::File;
 use subs qw(logError logGlobal);
 use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK);
-$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 2.83 $, 10);
+$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 2.84 $, 10);
 my $Eval_routine;
 my $Eval_routine_file;
@@ -1797,16 +1797,25 @@
 	my @headers;
 	if(ref $to) {
 		my $head = $to;
+		for(my $i = $#$head; $i > 0; $i--) {
+			if($head->[$i] =~ /^\s/) {
+				my $new = splice @$head, $i, 1;
+				$head->[$i - 1] .= "\n$new";
+			}
+		}
 		$body = $subject;
 		undef $subject;
 		for(@$head) {
-			if( /^To:\s*(.+)/ ) {
+			s/\s+$//;
+			if( /^To:\s*(.+)/s ) {
 				$to = $1;
-			elsif (/Reply-to:\s*(.+)/) {
+			elsif (/^Reply-to:\s*(.+)/si) {
 				$reply = $_;
-			elsif (/^subj(?:ect)?:\s*(.+)/i) {
+			elsif (/^subj(?:ect)?:\s*(.+)/si) {
 				$subject = $1;
 			elsif($_) {
@@ -1815,7 +1824,6 @@
 #::logDebug("send_mail: to=$to subj=$subject r=$reply mime=$use_mime\n");
@@ -1972,32 +1980,39 @@
 sub codedef_routine {
 	my ($tag, $routine, $modifier) = @_;
-	my @tries;
-	my $tried;
+	my $area = $Vend::Config::tagCanon{lc $tag}
+		or do {
+			logError("Unknown CodeDef type %s", $tag);
+			return undef;
+		};
-		if($Vend::Cfg->{CodeDef}{$tag}) {
-			push @tries, $Vend::Cfg->{CodeDef}{$tag}{Routine} || {};
-		}
-		if($Global::CodeDef->{$tag}) {
-			push @tries, $Global::CodeDef->{$tag}{Routine} || {};
-		}
-		if(! @tries and ! $tried++) {
-			my @keys = keys %{$Vend::Cfg->{CodeDef}};
-			push @keys, keys %{$Global::CodeDef};
-			for(@keys) {
-				if(lc($tag) eq lc($_)) {
-					$tag = $_;
-					redo RESOLVEDEF;
-				}
-			}
+	$routine =~ s/-/_/g;
+	my @tries;
+	if ($tag eq 'UserTag') {
+		@tries = ($Vend::Cfg->{UserTag}, $Global::UserTag);
+	else {
+		@tries = ($Vend::Cfg->{CodeDef}{$area}, $Global::CodeDef->{$area});
-	for(@tries) {
-		return $_->{$routine} if $_->{$routine};
+	no strict 'refs';
+	my $ref;
+	for my $base (@tries) {
+		next unless $base;
+	    $ref = $base->{Routine}{$routine}
+			 and return $ref;
+		$ref = $base->{MapRoutine}{$routine}
+		   and return \&{"$ref"};
-	return undef;
+	return undef unless $Global::AccumulateCode;
+#::logDebug("trying code_from file for area=$area routine=$routine");
+	$ref = Vend::Config::code_from_file($area, $routine)
+		or return undef;
+#::logDebug("returning ref=$ref for area=$area routine=$routine");
+	return $ref;
 sub codedef_options {

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