[interchange-cvs] interchange - racke modified lib/Vend/Swish2.pm

interchange-cvs at icdevgroup.org interchange-cvs at icdevgroup.org
Fri Jun 23 08:31:41 EDT 2006

User:      racke
Date:      2006-06-23 12:31:41 GMT
Modified:  lib/Vend Swish2.pm
get rid of futile Windows newlines

Revision  Changes    Path
1.3       +316 -316  interchange/lib/Vend/Swish2.pm

rev 1.3, prev_rev 1.2
Index: Swish2.pm
RCS file: /var/cvs/interchange/lib/Vend/Swish2.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- Swish2.pm	23 Jun 2006 12:20:46 -0000	1.2
+++ Swish2.pm	23 Jun 2006 12:31:41 -0000	1.3
@@ -1,316 +1,316 @@
-# Vend::Swish2 - Search indexes with Swish-e's new SWISH::API
-# $Id: Swish2.pm,v 1.2 2006/06/23 12:20:46 racke Exp $
-# Adapted from Vend::Swish by Brian Miller <brian at endpoint.com>
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Interchange Development Group
-# Copyright (C) 2002 Mike Heins <mikeh at perusion.net>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
-# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
-# MA  02111-1307  USA.
-package Vend::Swish2;
-require Vend::Search;
- at ISA = qw(Vend::Search);
-$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 1.2 $, 10);
-use strict;
-use lib qw( /usr/local/lib/swish-e/perl );
-use SWISH::API;
-use SWISH::ParseQuery;
-use SWISH::PhraseHighlight;
-# singleton to hold initialization object, 
-# search objects are then retrieved through it
-# this should improve performance through caching
-my $_swish = {};
-my $_swish_highlighters = {};
-my %Default = (
-    matches                 => 0,
-    mv_head_skip            => 0,
-    mv_index_delim          => "\t",
-    mv_record_delim         => "\n",
-    mv_matchlimit           => 50,
-    mv_max_matches          => 2000,
-    mv_min_string           => 1,
-my %fmap = ( code        => 'swishreccount',
-             score       => 'swishrank',
-             url         => 'swishdocpath',
-             title       => 'swishtitle',
-             filesize    => 'swishdocsize',
-             mod_date    => 'swishlastmodified',
-             description => 'swishdescription',
-           );
-my %highlight_settings = ( show_words    => 8,
-                           occurrences   => 5,
-                           max_words     => 100,
-                           highlight_on  => '<span class="highlight">',
-                           highlight_off => '</span>',
-                         );
-sub array {
-    my ($s, $opt) = @_;
-    $s->{mv_list_only} = 1; # makes perform_search only return results array
-    return Vend::Scan::perform_search($opt, undef, $s);
-sub hash {
-    my ($s, $opt) = @_;
-    $s->{mv_return_reference} = 'HASH';
-    $s->{mv_list_only} = 1; # makes perform_search only return results array
-    return Vend::Scan::perform_search($opt, undef, $s);
-sub list {
-    my ($s, $opt) = @_;
-    $s->{mv_return_reference} = 'LIST';
-    $s->{mv_list_only} = 1; # makes perform_search only return results array
-    return Vend::Scan::perform_search($opt, undef, $s);
-sub init {
-    my ($s, $options) = @_;
-    #::logDebug("initing Swish search, Swish=" . Vend::Util::uneval($Vend::Cfg->{Swish2}));
-    $Vend::Cfg->{Swish2} ||= {};
-    @{$s}{keys %Default} = (values %Default);
-    $s->{mv_base_directory}     = $Vend::Cfg->{VendRoot},
-    $s->{mv_begin_string}       = [];
-    $s->{mv_all_chars}          = [1];
-    $s->{mv_case}               = [];
-    $s->{mv_column_op}          = [];
-    $s->{mv_negate}             = [];
-    $s->{mv_numeric}            = [];
-    $s->{mv_orsearch}           = [];
-    $s->{mv_searchspec}         = [];
-    $s->{mv_search_group}       = [];
-    $s->{mv_search_field}       = [];
-    $s->{mv_search_file}        = [];
-    push @{$s->{mv_search_file}}, $Vend::Cfg->{Swish2}{index}
-        if $Vend::Cfg->{Swish2}{index};
-    $s->{mv_searchspec}         = [];
-    $s->{mv_sort_option}        = [];
-    $s->{mv_substring_match}    = [];
-    $s->{mv_field_names}      = [qw/code score url title filesize mod_date description/];
-    $s->{mv_return_fields}    = [qw/code score url title filesize mod_date description/];
-    for (keys %$options) {
-        $s->{$_} = $options->{$_};
-    }
-    # can create the base Swish object once and run
-    # multiple queries off of it
-    my @searchfiles = @{$s->{mv_search_file}};
-    for (@searchfiles) {
-        $_ = Vend::Util::catfile($s->{mv_base_directory}, $_)
-            unless Vend::Util::file_name_is_absolute($_);
-    }
-    my $from_index = join ' ', @searchfiles;
-    $s->{'swish_index'} = $from_index;
-    unless ($_swish->{$from_index}) {
-        $_swish->{$from_index} = new SWISH::API ( $from_index );
-        if ($_swish->{$from_index}->Error) {
-            die "Can't create swish engine: " . $_swish->{$from_index}->ErrorString;
-        }
-    }
-    if ($Vend::Cfg->{Swish2}{highlight_context}) {
-        push @{ $s->{mv_field_names} }, 'context';
-        push @{ $s->{mv_return_fields} }, 'context';
-        $fmap{'context'} = 'swishdescription';
-        foreach my $index (@{ $s->{'mv_search_file'} }) {
-            my $swish = $_swish->{$from_index};
-            my %headers = map { lc $_ => ($swish->HeaderValue( $index, $_ ) || '') } $swish->HeaderNames;
-            $_swish_highlighters->{$index} = new SWISH::PhraseHighlight ( \%highlight_settings, \%headers, { swish => $swish } );
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-sub new {
-    my ($class, %options) = @_;
-    my $s = new Vend::Search;
-    bless $s, $class;
-    $s->init(\%options);
-    return $s;
-sub search {
-    my ($s, %options) = @_;
-    while (my ($key,$val) = each %options) {
-        $s->{$key} = $val;
-    }
-    $s->{mv_return_delim} = $s->{mv_index_delim}
-        unless defined $s->{mv_return_delim};
-    my @specs = @{$s->{mv_searchspec}};
-    my @pats = $s->spec_check(@specs);
-    $s->save_specs();
-    my $search_string = join ' ', @pats;
-    if (length $search_string < $s->{mv_min_string}) {
-        my $msg = ::errmsg(
-                    "Swish search string less than minimum %s characters: %s",
-                    $s->{mv_min_string},
-                    $search_string,
-                );
-        return $s->search_error($msg);
-    }
-    my $engine = $_swish->{ $s->{'swish_index'} };
-    my $results = $engine->Query( $search_string );
-    if ($engine->Error) {
-        $s->{matches} = -1;
-        return $s->search_error("Can't run swish query: " . $engine->ErrorString);
-    }
-    # no matches, can return now
-    unless ($results->Hits) {
-        $s->{matches} = 0;
-        return;
-    }
-    my @out;
-    while (my $result = $results->NextResult) {
-        my $out_ref = [ map { $result->Property( $fmap{$_} ) } @{ $s->{'mv_field_names'} } ];
-        my $out_ref = [];
-        foreach my $field (@{ $s->{'mv_field_names'} }) {
-            if ($field =~ /context/) {
-                my $text = $result->Property( $fmap{$field} );
-                if ($Vend::Cfg->{'Swish2'}{'highlight_context'} and defined $text and $text ne '') {
-                    my $index = $result->Property('swishdbfile');
-                    my $parsed_query = parse_query( join ' ', $results->ParsedWords( $index ) );
-                    #::logDebug("parsed query: " . Vend::Util::uneval($parsed_query));
-                    $_swish_highlighters->{$index}->highlight( \$text, $parsed_query->{'swishdefault'}, undef, $result );
-                }
-                push @$out_ref, $text;
-            }
-            else {
-                push @$out_ref, $result->Property( $fmap{$field} );
-            }
-        }
-        push @out, $out_ref;
-    }
-    {
-        my $field_names = join "\t", @{$s->{mv_field_names}};
-        $field_names =~ s/^\s+//;
-        my @laundry = (qw/mv_search_field mv_range_look mv_return_fields/);
-        $s->hash_fields(
-                    [ split /\Q$s->{mv_index_delim}/, $field_names ],
-                    @laundry,       
-        );
-    }
-    if ($s->{mv_unique}) {
-        my %seen;
-        @out = grep ! $seen{$_->[0]}++, @out;
-    }
-    if ($s->{mv_sort_field} and @{$s->{mv_sort_field}}) {
-        $s->hash_fields( $s->{mv_field_names}, qw/mv_sort_field/ );
-        @out = $s->sort_search_return(\@out);
-    }
-    $s->{matches} = @out;
-    if ($s->{matches} > $s->{mv_matchlimit} and $s->{mv_matchlimit} > 0) {
-        $s->save_more(\@out)
-            or ::logError("Error saving matches: $!");
-        if ($s->{mv_first_match}) {
-            splice @out, 0, $s->{mv_first_match};
-            $s->{mv_next_pointer} = $s->{mv_first_match} + $s->{mv_matchlimit};
-            $s->{mv_next_pointer} = 0
-                if $s->{mv_next_pointer} > $s->{matches};
-        }
-        $#out = $s->{mv_matchlimit} - 1;
-    }
-    if (! $s->{mv_return_reference}) {
-        $s->{mv_results} = \@out;
-        #::logDebug("returning search: " . Vend::Util::uneval($s));
-        return $s;
-    }
-    elsif ($s->{mv_return_reference} eq 'LIST') {
-        my $col = @{ $s->{mv_return_fields} };
-        @out = map { join $s->{mv_return_delim}, @$_ } @out;
-        $s->{mv_results} = join $s->{mv_record_delim}, @out;
-    }
-    else {
-        my $col = @{ $s->{mv_return_fields} };
-        my @names = @{ $s->{mv_field_names} };
-        $names[0] eq '0' and $names[0] = 'code';
-        my %hash;
-        for (@out) {
-            my @col = split /$s->{mv_return_delim}/, $_, $col;
-            $hash{ $col[0] } = {};
-            @{ $hash{$col[0]} } {@names} = @col;
-        }
-        $s->{mv_results} = \%hash;
-    }
-    #::logDebug("returning search: " . Vend::Util::uneval($s));
-    return $s;
-# Unfortunate hack need for Safe searches
-*escape             = \&Vend::Search::escape;
-*spec_check         = \&Vend::Search::spec_check;
-*get_scalar         = \&Vend::Search::get_scalar;
-*more_matches       = \&Vend::Search::more_matches;
-*get_return         = \&Vend::Search::get_return;
-*map_ops            = \&Vend::Search::map_ops;
-*get_limit          = \&Vend::Search::get_limit;
-*saved_params       = \&Vend::Search::saved_params;
-*range_check        = \&Vend::Search::range_check;
-*create_search_and  = \&Vend::Search::create_search_and;
-*create_search_or   = \&Vend::Search::create_search_or;
-*save_context       = \&Vend::Search::save_context;
-*dump_options       = \&Vend::Search::dump_options;
-*save_more          = \&Vend::Search::save_more;
-*sort_search_return = \&Vend::Search::sort_search_return;
-*get_scalar         = \&Vend::Search::get_scalar;
-*hash_fields        = \&Vend::Search::hash_fields;
-*save_specs         = \&Vend::Search::save_specs;
-*restore_specs      = \&Vend::Search::restore_specs;
-*splice_specs       = \&Vend::Search::splice_specs;
-*search_error       = \&Vend::Search::search_error;
-*save_more          = \&Vend::Search::save_more;
-*sort_search_return = \&Vend::Search::sort_search_return;
+# Vend::Swish2 - Search indexes with Swish-e's new SWISH::API
+# $Id: Swish2.pm,v 1.3 2006/06/23 12:31:41 racke Exp $
+# Adapted from Vend::Swish by Brian Miller <brian at endpoint.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Interchange Development Group
+# Copyright (C) 2002 Mike Heins <mikeh at perusion.net>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA  02111-1307  USA.
+package Vend::Swish2;
+require Vend::Search;
+ at ISA = qw(Vend::Search);
+$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 1.3 $, 10);
+use strict;
+use lib qw( /usr/local/lib/swish-e/perl );
+use SWISH::API;
+use SWISH::ParseQuery;
+use SWISH::PhraseHighlight;
+# singleton to hold initialization object, 
+# search objects are then retrieved through it
+# this should improve performance through caching
+my $_swish = {};
+my $_swish_highlighters = {};
+my %Default = (
+    matches                 => 0,
+    mv_head_skip            => 0,
+    mv_index_delim          => "\t",
+    mv_record_delim         => "\n",
+    mv_matchlimit           => 50,
+    mv_max_matches          => 2000,
+    mv_min_string           => 1,
+my %fmap = ( code        => 'swishreccount',
+             score       => 'swishrank',
+             url         => 'swishdocpath',
+             title       => 'swishtitle',
+             filesize    => 'swishdocsize',
+             mod_date    => 'swishlastmodified',
+             description => 'swishdescription',
+           );
+my %highlight_settings = ( show_words    => 8,
+                           occurrences   => 5,
+                           max_words     => 100,
+                           highlight_on  => '<span class="highlight">',
+                           highlight_off => '</span>',
+                         );
+sub array {
+    my ($s, $opt) = @_;
+    $s->{mv_list_only} = 1; # makes perform_search only return results array
+    return Vend::Scan::perform_search($opt, undef, $s);
+sub hash {
+    my ($s, $opt) = @_;
+    $s->{mv_return_reference} = 'HASH';
+    $s->{mv_list_only} = 1; # makes perform_search only return results array
+    return Vend::Scan::perform_search($opt, undef, $s);
+sub list {
+    my ($s, $opt) = @_;
+    $s->{mv_return_reference} = 'LIST';
+    $s->{mv_list_only} = 1; # makes perform_search only return results array
+    return Vend::Scan::perform_search($opt, undef, $s);
+sub init {
+    my ($s, $options) = @_;
+    #::logDebug("initing Swish search, Swish=" . Vend::Util::uneval($Vend::Cfg->{Swish2}));
+    $Vend::Cfg->{Swish2} ||= {};
+    @{$s}{keys %Default} = (values %Default);
+    $s->{mv_base_directory}     = $Vend::Cfg->{VendRoot},
+    $s->{mv_begin_string}       = [];
+    $s->{mv_all_chars}          = [1];
+    $s->{mv_case}               = [];
+    $s->{mv_column_op}          = [];
+    $s->{mv_negate}             = [];
+    $s->{mv_numeric}            = [];
+    $s->{mv_orsearch}           = [];
+    $s->{mv_searchspec}         = [];
+    $s->{mv_search_group}       = [];
+    $s->{mv_search_field}       = [];
+    $s->{mv_search_file}        = [];
+    push @{$s->{mv_search_file}}, $Vend::Cfg->{Swish2}{index}
+        if $Vend::Cfg->{Swish2}{index};
+    $s->{mv_searchspec}         = [];
+    $s->{mv_sort_option}        = [];
+    $s->{mv_substring_match}    = [];
+    $s->{mv_field_names}      = [qw/code score url title filesize mod_date description/];
+    $s->{mv_return_fields}    = [qw/code score url title filesize mod_date description/];
+    for (keys %$options) {
+        $s->{$_} = $options->{$_};
+    }
+    # can create the base Swish object once and run
+    # multiple queries off of it
+    my @searchfiles = @{$s->{mv_search_file}};
+    for (@searchfiles) {
+        $_ = Vend::Util::catfile($s->{mv_base_directory}, $_)
+            unless Vend::Util::file_name_is_absolute($_);
+    }
+    my $from_index = join ' ', @searchfiles;
+    $s->{'swish_index'} = $from_index;
+    unless ($_swish->{$from_index}) {
+        $_swish->{$from_index} = new SWISH::API ( $from_index );
+        if ($_swish->{$from_index}->Error) {
+            die "Can't create swish engine: " . $_swish->{$from_index}->ErrorString;
+        }
+    }
+    if ($Vend::Cfg->{Swish2}{highlight_context}) {
+        push @{ $s->{mv_field_names} }, 'context';
+        push @{ $s->{mv_return_fields} }, 'context';
+        $fmap{'context'} = 'swishdescription';
+        foreach my $index (@{ $s->{'mv_search_file'} }) {
+            my $swish = $_swish->{$from_index};
+            my %headers = map { lc $_ => ($swish->HeaderValue( $index, $_ ) || '') } $swish->HeaderNames;
+            $_swish_highlighters->{$index} = new SWISH::PhraseHighlight ( \%highlight_settings, \%headers, { swish => $swish } );
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+sub new {
+    my ($class, %options) = @_;
+    my $s = new Vend::Search;
+    bless $s, $class;
+    $s->init(\%options);
+    return $s;
+sub search {
+    my ($s, %options) = @_;
+    while (my ($key,$val) = each %options) {
+        $s->{$key} = $val;
+    }
+    $s->{mv_return_delim} = $s->{mv_index_delim}
+        unless defined $s->{mv_return_delim};
+    my @specs = @{$s->{mv_searchspec}};
+    my @pats = $s->spec_check(@specs);
+    $s->save_specs();
+    my $search_string = join ' ', @pats;
+    if (length $search_string < $s->{mv_min_string}) {
+        my $msg = ::errmsg(
+                    "Swish search string less than minimum %s characters: %s",
+                    $s->{mv_min_string},
+                    $search_string,
+                );
+        return $s->search_error($msg);
+    }
+    my $engine = $_swish->{ $s->{'swish_index'} };
+    my $results = $engine->Query( $search_string );
+    if ($engine->Error) {
+        $s->{matches} = -1;
+        return $s->search_error("Can't run swish query: " . $engine->ErrorString);
+    }
+    # no matches, can return now
+    unless ($results->Hits) {
+        $s->{matches} = 0;
+        return;
+    }
+    my @out;
+    while (my $result = $results->NextResult) {
+        my $out_ref = [ map { $result->Property( $fmap{$_} ) } @{ $s->{'mv_field_names'} } ];
+        my $out_ref = [];
+        foreach my $field (@{ $s->{'mv_field_names'} }) {
+            if ($field =~ /context/) {
+                my $text = $result->Property( $fmap{$field} );
+                if ($Vend::Cfg->{'Swish2'}{'highlight_context'} and defined $text and $text ne '') {
+                    my $index = $result->Property('swishdbfile');
+                    my $parsed_query = parse_query( join ' ', $results->ParsedWords( $index ) );
+                    #::logDebug("parsed query: " . Vend::Util::uneval($parsed_query));
+                    $_swish_highlighters->{$index}->highlight( \$text, $parsed_query->{'swishdefault'}, undef, $result );
+                }
+                push @$out_ref, $text;
+            }
+            else {
+                push @$out_ref, $result->Property( $fmap{$field} );
+            }
+        }
+        push @out, $out_ref;
+    }
+    {
+        my $field_names = join "\t", @{$s->{mv_field_names}};
+        $field_names =~ s/^\s+//;
+        my @laundry = (qw/mv_search_field mv_range_look mv_return_fields/);
+        $s->hash_fields(
+                    [ split /\Q$s->{mv_index_delim}/, $field_names ],
+                    @laundry,       
+        );
+    }
+    if ($s->{mv_unique}) {
+        my %seen;
+        @out = grep ! $seen{$_->[0]}++, @out;
+    }
+    if ($s->{mv_sort_field} and @{$s->{mv_sort_field}}) {
+        $s->hash_fields( $s->{mv_field_names}, qw/mv_sort_field/ );
+        @out = $s->sort_search_return(\@out);
+    }
+    $s->{matches} = @out;
+    if ($s->{matches} > $s->{mv_matchlimit} and $s->{mv_matchlimit} > 0) {
+        $s->save_more(\@out)
+            or ::logError("Error saving matches: $!");
+        if ($s->{mv_first_match}) {
+            splice @out, 0, $s->{mv_first_match};
+            $s->{mv_next_pointer} = $s->{mv_first_match} + $s->{mv_matchlimit};
+            $s->{mv_next_pointer} = 0
+                if $s->{mv_next_pointer} > $s->{matches};
+        }
+        $#out = $s->{mv_matchlimit} - 1;
+    }
+    if (! $s->{mv_return_reference}) {
+        $s->{mv_results} = \@out;
+        #::logDebug("returning search: " . Vend::Util::uneval($s));
+        return $s;
+    }
+    elsif ($s->{mv_return_reference} eq 'LIST') {
+        my $col = @{ $s->{mv_return_fields} };
+        @out = map { join $s->{mv_return_delim}, @$_ } @out;
+        $s->{mv_results} = join $s->{mv_record_delim}, @out;
+    }
+    else {
+        my $col = @{ $s->{mv_return_fields} };
+        my @names = @{ $s->{mv_field_names} };
+        $names[0] eq '0' and $names[0] = 'code';
+        my %hash;
+        for (@out) {
+            my @col = split /$s->{mv_return_delim}/, $_, $col;
+            $hash{ $col[0] } = {};
+            @{ $hash{$col[0]} } {@names} = @col;
+        }
+        $s->{mv_results} = \%hash;
+    }
+    #::logDebug("returning search: " . Vend::Util::uneval($s));
+    return $s;
+# Unfortunate hack need for Safe searches
+*escape             = \&Vend::Search::escape;
+*spec_check         = \&Vend::Search::spec_check;
+*get_scalar         = \&Vend::Search::get_scalar;
+*more_matches       = \&Vend::Search::more_matches;
+*get_return         = \&Vend::Search::get_return;
+*map_ops            = \&Vend::Search::map_ops;
+*get_limit          = \&Vend::Search::get_limit;
+*saved_params       = \&Vend::Search::saved_params;
+*range_check        = \&Vend::Search::range_check;
+*create_search_and  = \&Vend::Search::create_search_and;
+*create_search_or   = \&Vend::Search::create_search_or;
+*save_context       = \&Vend::Search::save_context;
+*dump_options       = \&Vend::Search::dump_options;
+*save_more          = \&Vend::Search::save_more;
+*sort_search_return = \&Vend::Search::sort_search_return;
+*get_scalar         = \&Vend::Search::get_scalar;
+*hash_fields        = \&Vend::Search::hash_fields;
+*save_specs         = \&Vend::Search::save_specs;
+*restore_specs      = \&Vend::Search::restore_specs;
+*splice_specs       = \&Vend::Search::splice_specs;
+*search_error       = \&Vend::Search::search_error;
+*save_more          = \&Vend::Search::save_more;
+*sort_search_return = \&Vend::Search::sort_search_return;

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