[interchange] Fix race conditions in timed-build output

Jon Jensen interchange-cvs at icdevgroup.org
Tue Sep 18 20:08:46 UTC 2018

commit 38dbcd16f77abd409d52c38c082a884a5b7ffcac
Author: Jon Jensen <jon at endpoint.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 18 11:26:12 2018 -0600

    Fix race conditions in timed-build output
    Add a writefile_atomic() routine that is only used for writing complete
    files, not appending or piping, and is atomic on a POSIX filesystem,
    and have timed-build use that.
    Reorder the locking in the classic writefile() to return the race
    condition vulnerability window back to the much smaller time it was before
    the introduction of UTF-8 support, to make it very unlikely to occur.
    Detailed explanation of the problem and fix:
    Recently I was surprised to run into a bug in Interchange's timed-build
    generation routine on a client's production system.
    First see the source of &Vend::Interpolate::timed_build and then look
    at &Vend::File::writefile, especially this:
        open(MVLOGDATA, $file) or die "open\n";
        if ($encoding) {
            local $PerlIO::encoding::fallback = $fallback;
            binmode(MVLOGDATA, ":encoding($encoding)");
        lockfile(\*MVLOGDATA, 1, 1) or die "lock\n";
        seek(MVLOGDATA, 0, 2) or die "seek\n";
        if(ref $data) {
            print(MVLOGDATA $$data) or die "write to\n";
        else {
            print(MVLOGDATA $data) or die "write to\n";
        unlockfile(\*MVLOGDATA) or die "unlock\n";
    Note that $file will contain ">/path/to/timed_build_file" so it causes
    the file to be opened in write mode and truncated.
    That alone is a race condition: When a file is truncated, there's a
    brief time before it's written to when it's empty and any other process
    reading it will get an empty file.
    The introduction of UTF-8 support has made that race window longer because
    right after truncation the binmode() call is made with :encoding(UTF-8)
    or whatever, which can induce dynamic Encode package loads, which is
    relatively slow.
    That is one bug, but the bug I encountered is different and much weirder:
    Two timed build files generated by Interchange each had their contents
    That is, if the file should have contained "HORSES\n", it instead
    contained "HORSES\nHORSES\n".
    I've never seen such a thing before, but it happened in two separate
    timed-build files that both get used right after each other in ITL,
    so if it's caused by a race condition, it's believable that both would
    happen in the same run because they're sequential, so the same thing
    that caused it one place could cause it another.
    Now let's walk through the above code as run by two concurrent
    processes to see the race as it happens.
    Process A runs this:
        open(MVLOGDATA, $file) or die "open\n";
    And then process B runs it:
        open(MVLOGDATA, $file) or die "open\n";
    Process A runs this:
        if ($encoding) {
            local $PerlIO::encoding::fallback = $fallback;
            binmode(MVLOGDATA, ":encoding($encoding)");
    Then process B runs it:
        if ($encoding) {
            local $PerlIO::encoding::fallback = $fallback;
            binmode(MVLOGDATA, ":encoding($encoding)");
    Process A runs this:
        lockfile(\*MVLOGDATA, 1, 1) or die "lock\n";
    Then process B runs it and blocks on the lock:
        lockfile(\*MVLOGDATA, 1, 1) or die "lock\n";
    Process A runs this:
        seek(MVLOGDATA, 0, 2) or die "seek\n";
        if(ref $data) {
            print(MVLOGDATA $$data) or die "write to\n";
        else {
            print(MVLOGDATA $data) or die "write to\n";
        unlockfile(\*MVLOGDATA) or die "unlock\n";
    and the timed-build file is written correctly and unlocked.
    That unblocks process B which now runs this:
        seek(MVLOGDATA, 0, 2) or die "seek\n";
    which, oddly for this situation where we are writing to a truncated file,
    seeks to the end of the file! That appears to be a recipe gotten from
    the Perl flock() documentation:
        flock($fh, LOCK_EX) or die "Cannot lock mailbox - $!\n";
        # and, in case we're running on a very old UNIX
        # variant without the modern O_APPEND semantics...
        seek($fh, 0, SEEK_END) or die "Cannot seek - $!\n";
    and would be harmless if the file is still truncated, but now that the
    file has been written to, means we seek to the end of the file and start
    writing there!
    Now process B runs this:
        if(ref $data) {
            print(MVLOGDATA $$data) or die "write to\n";
        else {
            print(MVLOGDATA $data) or die "write to\n";
        unlockfile(\*MVLOGDATA) or die "unlock\n";
    And we have two copies of the same timed-build output, one after the
    other, in the same file.
    This bug has always existed in this code, but I think it became many
    times more likely to be encountered once the binmode() with encoding
    was added because that can be so slow.
    There are a few ways to try to solve the doubling problem:
    1. Just remove the seek() call which appears to have been only to cope
    with Unix systems that were already old and rare at the time the Perl
    flock() docs were written. Then when the doubling problem hits in the
    future, it'll write the same timed-build output once, then over itself
    If the timed-build runs return output of differing length, it could
    cause the tail end of the longer one to appear after the shorter one,
    which might be an even more confusing bug than this one.  But we could
    call truncate() to empty the rest of the file and remove the risk of
    the longer pieces remaining from before.
    This isn't attractive, though, because I don't know for sure that removing
    the seek() is actually safe, and on which systems.
    2. Call the binmode() to set the encoding *after* taking the lock. This
    seems like the right thing to do anyway, but it only narrows the window
    for the race condition, and doesn't remove it entirely.
    3. Overhaul the routine to use standard practice in writing a shared
    file atomically.
    It seems only (3) really solves both of the bugs. We can achieve our
    goal with a procedure like this:
    a. Open a new randomly-named temporary file in the same directory.
    b. Write to it.
    c. Close it.
    d. Rename it over the original file.
    Renaming is an atomic operation when done within a single POSIX
    filesystem. It isn't atomic for reads over NFS, but writefile() didn't
    support fcntl() locking for NFS anyway, so we're not making that problem
    any worse.
    This doesn't stop concurrent timed-build writes from happening, but they
    would harmlessly replace each other in a way that would never leave an
    empty or partially-written file, would keep concurrent reads from ever
    getting a stale timed-build file, and doesn't need locking at all.
    Thanks to Mark Johnson for review.

 lib/Vend/File.pm        |  114 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 lib/Vend/Interpolate.pm |    4 +-
 2 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/Vend/File.pm b/lib/Vend/File.pm
index 475e15b..254cc92 100644
--- a/lib/Vend/File.pm
+++ b/lib/Vend/File.pm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Vend::File - Interchange file functions
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Interchange Development Group
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Interchange Development Group
 # Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Red Hat, Inc.
 # This program was originally based on Vend 0.2 and 0.3
@@ -59,13 +59,17 @@ unless( $ENV{MINIVEND_DISABLE_UTF8} ) {
 use Vend::Util;
 use File::Path;
 use File::Copy;
+use File::Temp;
 use subs qw(logError logGlobal);
 use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $errstr);
-$VERSION = '2.33';
+$VERSION = '2.34';
 sub writefile {
     my($file, $data, $opt) = @_;
-	my($encoding, $fallback);
+	ref($opt) or $opt = {};
+	my ($encoding, $fallback, $save_umask);
 	if ($::Variable->{MV_UTF8} || $Global::Variable->{MV_UTF8}) {
 		$encoding = $opt->{encoding} ||= 'utf8';
@@ -75,16 +79,16 @@ sub writefile {
 	$file = ">>$file" unless $file =~ /^[|>]/;
-	if (ref $opt and $opt->{umask}) {
-		$opt->{umask} = umask oct($opt->{umask});
+	if ($opt->{umask}) {
+		$save_umask = umask oct($opt->{umask});
     eval {
 		unless($file =~ s/^[|]\s*//) {
-			if (ref $opt and $opt->{auto_create_dir}) {
+			if ($opt->{auto_create_dir}) {
 				my $dir = $file;
 				$dir =~ s/>+//;
-				## Need to make this OS-independent, requires File::Spec support
 				$dir =~ s:[\r\n]::g;   # Just in case
 				$dir =~ s:(.*)/.*:$1: or $dir = '';
 				if($dir and ! -d $dir) {
@@ -137,13 +141,101 @@ sub writefile {
 		$status = 0;
-    if (ref $opt and defined $opt->{umask}) {                                        
-        $opt->{umask} = umask oct($opt->{umask});                                    
-    }
+    umask $save_umask if defined $save_umask;
 	return $status;
+# writefile_atomic() is similar to writefile(), but:
+# Only writes entire files (no appending or writing to a pipe).
+# Writes first to a temporary file and then renames that into place at the expected file name, which is an atomic operation in POSIX filesystems.
+# This removes the race conditions in writefile() where:
+# * a reader can see an empty file right after truncation
+# * a reader can see a a partially-written file
+# * concurrent writers can double output in the file due to the lock race and seek to end (which is only needed for appending, not overwriting)
+# It also removes the need for locking.
+sub writefile_atomic {
+    my ($path, $data, $opt) = @_;
+    if ($path =~ /^\s*(?:>>|<|\+|\|)/) {
+        ::logError(__PACKAGE__ . "::writefile_atomic can only write an entire file; invalid prefix: $path");
+        return;
+    }
+    # Tolerate unneeded leading > for compatibility
+    $path =~ s/^\s*>\s*//;
+    my ($encoding, $fallback, $save_umask, $tmpfile, $status);
+    ref($opt) or $opt = {};
+    if ($::Variable->{MV_UTF8} || $Global::Variable->{MV_UTF8}) {
+        $encoding = $opt->{encoding} || 'utf8';
+        undef $encoding if $encoding eq 'raw';
+        $fallback = $opt->{fallback} // $PERLQQ;
+    }
+    if ($opt->{umask}) {
+        $save_umask = umask oct($opt->{umask});
+    }
+    eval {
+        my $dir = $path;
+        $dir =~ s:[\r\n]::g;   # Just in case
+        my $file;
+        if ($dir =~ s:(.*)/(.*):$1:) {
+            $file = $2;
+        }
+        else {
+            $dir = '';
+            $file = 'temp';
+        }
+        if ($dir and $opt->{auto_create_dir} and ! -d $dir) {
+            File::Path::mkpath($dir);
+            die "mkpath\n" unless -d $dir;
+        }
+        my $fh;
+        ($fh, $tmpfile) = File::Temp::tempfile($file . '.XXXXXXXX', DIR => $dir);
+        $fh or die "open\n";
+        # File::Temp doesn't respect umask, so correct the file mode
+        chmod 0666 &~ umask(), $tmpfile or die "chmod\n";
+        if ($encoding) {
+            local $PerlIO::encoding::fallback = $fallback;
+            binmode $fh, ":encoding($encoding)";
+        }
+        print $fh ref($data) ? $$data : $data or die "write\n";
+        close $fh or die "close\n";
+        rename $tmpfile, $path or die "rename\n";
+    };
+    my $err = $@;
+    if ($err) {
+        chomp $err;
+        my $msg = ($err !~ /\W/)
+            ? sprintf("Could not %s file '%s': %s",
+                $err,
+                $tmpfile,
+                $!,
+                )
+            : sprintf("Error saving file '%s': %s", $path, $err);
+        ::logError("%s\nto write this data (excerpt):\n%s",
+            $msg,
+            substr(ref($data) ? $$data : $data, 0, 120),
+        );
+    }
+    else {
+        $status = 1;
+    }
+    umask $save_umask if defined $save_umask;
+    return $status;
 sub file_modification_time {
     my ($fn, $tolerate) = @_;
     my @s = stat($fn) or ($tolerate and return 0) or die "Can't stat '$fn': $!\n";
diff --git a/lib/Vend/Interpolate.pm b/lib/Vend/Interpolate.pm
index ece47f9..62b46f8 100644
--- a/lib/Vend/Interpolate.pm
+++ b/lib/Vend/Interpolate.pm
@@ -5385,8 +5385,8 @@ sub timed_build {
     if( ! -f $file or $secs && (stat(_))[9] < (time() - $secs) ) {
         my $out = Vend::Interpolate::interpolate_html(shift);
-		$opt->{umask} = '22' unless defined $opt->{umask};
-        Vend::Util::writefile(">$file", $out, $opt );
+        $opt->{umask} //= '22';
+        Vend::File::writefile_atomic($file, $out, $opt);
 		$Vend::Session->{scratch} = $save_scratch if $save_scratch;
         return $out;

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