[interchange-i18n] Re: LC-Statement

Jon Jensen jon at redhat.com
Mon Mar 11 09:54:00 UTC 2002

On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, Holger Ehms wrote:

> You can see the example:
> http://www.lipsia.net/cgi-bin/sqltest/index.html
> The rest of "index.html" is original from foundation.
> <!-- BEGIN CONTENT -->
> <table width="95%" border="0">
> <tr>
>    <td>
>      <br>
>      Willkommen im <b>Interchange</b> Testshop der Fischer & Ehms KG! <br>
>      <br>
>      [setlocale en_US] default locale is de_DE (from catalog.cfg)
>      <p>
>      [L test]en_US or de_DE [/L]
>      <p>
>      [LC]
>            This will not work.
>      [en_US]I can't get this![/en_US]
>      [de_DE]Oh, es funktioniert doch![/de_DE]
>      [/LC]
>      <p>
>      The "setlocale en_US" takes effekt only for the other component of
> this side (currency-symbol is "$")!

[L] and [LC] are not standard Interchange tags -- they're preprocessing
directives done at the time the page is loaded, before just about anything
else. Then later your [setlocale] tag is parsed, but by then the [L] and
[LC] are already done.

Alternatives are:

1. Set the locale before the page you're on (using .autoload, or setting
on a previous page, or in the URL, etc.).

2. Use the [loc] or [msg] tags for locale stuff; they *are* standard IC
tags and will parse in the expected order.

I think you can replace [LC]...[/LC] with [msg lc=1]...[/msg] in the above
example and it should work.


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