[interchange-i18n] Header with content type

Kirill Sapelkin znanie at rawbw.com
Sun Mar 2 00:53:00 UTC 2003

Follow on to my previous post.

Think I fixed it. Stuck a line in regions/LEFTRIGHT_TOP:

  [scratchd meta_header]
  <title>[scratch page_title]</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=koi8-r">

Added the line that starts <meta....

If there is a more kosher fix,  I'd sure like to know.


> Hello,
> How can one put Content-Type information in the header of home pages
> in Interchange?
> Now we get:
>   <title>Foundation Store -- Welcome</title>
>   <STYLE TYPE="text/css">
> We would like:
>   <title>Foundation Store -- Welcome!</title>
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=koi8-r">
>   <STYLE TYPE="text/css">
> I tried changing MV_CHARSET in ui.cfg and looked around admin to no avail.
> # Set up for default locale
>    Locale en_US MV_LANG_NAME English
> # Locale en_US MV_CHARSET iso-8859-1
> Locale en_US MV_CHARSET koi8-r
> As it is now,  we can read koi-8 encoded cyrillic  from the catalog on
> our ISP's machine.  We want to have the line above included so that
> people that use machines with different encoding could read the
> cyrillic also.
> Thanks.
Kirill Sapelkin
znanie at rawbw.com

Kirill Sapelkin
znanie at rawbw.com

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