[ic] FAQ

Dan db@cyclonehq.dnsalias.net
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 16:04:48 -0800

I don't know about any FAQs, but here is the answer to your FATAL 1 question
(which I had to look up since you did not courteously include it).

# createuser -P root
# createuser -P <interch, or whatever your interchange database access user

----- Original Message -----
To: LISTA INterchange
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 7:59 AM
Subject: [ic] FAQ

Is there any doc for stupids like me when I can  read how to configure
Postgress ( First you should create a user,later you should create a table
called xx , ...) and Apache? I am bored of executing makecat and getting the
same error FATAL Error 1, the test_construct  database is not created.

----- Original Message -----
To: LISTA INterchange
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 9:32 AM
Subject: [ic] Error message:

I am installing the interchange release on a Redhat 7 with postgres
7.0.2 installed: I am getting this error message:

psql:FATAL 1 :SetUserID user 'root' is not in 'pg_shadow'
createdb: database creation failed

Can any help me?
answer to: infosa@euskalnet.net
In spanish better.