[ic] SQL databases

Marcel Montes marcel@multimake.com
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 11:09:14 -0300

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I'm trying to make the construct demo catalog using SQL (MySQL v3.22.25)
but when it
installs it, says it's all done. I've checked the databases and the
makecat creates a new
database but with no tables. I thought that it could be a permission
problem then I ran
"safe_mysqld --skip-grant-tables" and makecat still has the same problem
and what
makes me pay attention is the fact that makecat doesn't complain in
ANY way about SQL
it says nothing about it.

I've read something about going to <home>/cgi-bin and run "./construct
test=1". It DOES return
the expected text (Status: 404 not found... blah blah blah) so
Interchange is (as I've read
before) functional.

Here's what I've done:

Catalog name? testingthis
makecat -- Interchange catalog installation program.

*** We will be making a catalog named 'testingthis'. ***
Your company name: ...............................Testing Something

Interchange has a workable internal database, but many things will
work better (and a few worse) if you use a SQL database. Interchange
can configure MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle in a test configuration.

Set to 1 if you want to use MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle: ..1

You can select this to use MySQL in your test catalog. Careful!
This requires the ability to create a database named "test_construct",
and is highly dependent on your Perl and MySQL configuration. Don't
be too surprised if this doesn't work.

Set to 1 if you want to use MySQL: ...............1
Database to use (will be created): ...............test_testingthis
use: ..................................dbi:mysql:test_testingthis
Username for MySQL (if any): .....................minivend_username
Password for MySQL (if any): .....................minivend_password

We can try and use mysqladmin to create the database in
MySQL. In many default MySQL distributions, any user can create
a database beginning with "test".

Use the next option to add parameters. If your MySQL is
(and you know the password) you may want to add "-u root -p".

Set to 1 to create 'test_testingthis' with mysqladmin: ..1
To create the database you may need to supply a password and
username. To do that, add the option "-u USERNAME -p", where
USERNAME is a MySQL user with permission to create databases.
This is often the user "root".

Extra options for creation: ......................-uroot -p

You can use Interchange's companion configuration
interface, to do upload/download of files, manipulation of
the database, reconfiguration of the catalog, and much more.

To enable the UI, you will need a "super-user" account
name that has full access.

The initial password is "pass". CHANGE IT! You can do this
by going to the admin menu and selecting the superuser and
then "Change password".

Account name that will control this catalog: .....interchange
Administrative password: .........................pass

Found system commands to run.

Since you selected the MySQL option, you need to create
a database named "test_testingthis". In a default MySQL
configuration, any user may create and drop and modify
test_* databases, but some administrators disable this.

run "mysqladmin -uroot -p create test_testingthis"? y

Enter password:
Database "test_testingthis" created.
Moving link program to /var/www/cgi-bin/testingthis.........done.
Copying share/ files to /var/www/html.......................done.
Moving HTML files to /var/www/html/testingthis..............done.
Moving image files to /var/www/html/testingthis/images......done.

Found additional system commands to run.

To enable image upload feature, you need to make a symbolic
link of the image base directory into your catalog directory.


Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2 to server version: 3.22.25

Type 'help' for help.

mysql> use test_testingthis
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit

this has been run on a sql server with no grant tables
(safe_mysqld --skip-grant-tables)

any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
                    Marcel Montes

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I'm trying to make the construct demo catalog using SQL (MySQL v3.22.25) but when it
installs it, says it's all done. I've checked the databases and the makecat creates a new
database but with no tables. I thought that it could be a permission problem then I ran
"safe_mysqld --skip-grant-tables" and makecat still has the same problem and what
makes me pay attention is the fact that makecat doesn't complain in ANY way about SQL
it says nothing about it.

I've read something about going to <home>/cgi-bin and run "./construct test=1". It DOES return
the expected text (Status: 404 not found... blah blah blah) so Interchange is (as I've read
before) functional.

Here's what I've done:

Catalog name? testingthis
makecat -- Interchange catalog installation program.

*** We will be making a catalog named 'testingthis'. ***
Your company name: ...............................Testing Something

Interchange has a workable internal database, but many things will
work better (and a few worse) if you use a SQL database. Interchange
can configure MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle in a test configuration.

Set to 1 if you want to use MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle: ..1

You can select this to use MySQL in your test catalog. Careful!
This requires the ability to create a database named "test_construct",
and is highly dependent on your Perl and MySQL configuration. Don't
be too surprised if this doesn't work.

Set to 1 if you want to use MySQL: ...............1
Database to use (will be created): ...............test_testingthis
use: ..................................dbi:mysql:test_testingthis
Username for MySQL (if any): .....................minivend_username
Password for MySQL (if any): .....................minivend_password

We can try and use mysqladmin to create the database in
MySQL. In many default MySQL distributions, any user can create
a database beginning with "test".

Use the next option to add parameters. If your MySQL is password-protected
(and you know the password) you may want to add "-u root -p".

Set to 1 to create 'test_testingthis' with mysqladmin: ..1
To create the database you may need to supply a password and
username. To do that, add the option "-u USERNAME -p", where
USERNAME is a MySQL user with permission to create databases.
This is often the user "root".

Extra options for creation: ......................-uroot -p

You can use Interchange's companion configuration
interface, to do upload/download of files, manipulation of
the database, reconfiguration of the catalog, and much more.

To enable the UI, you will need a "super-user" account
name that has full access.

The initial password is "pass". CHANGE IT! You can do this
by going to the admin menu and selecting the superuser and
then "Change password".

Account name that will control this catalog: .....interchange
Administrative password: .........................pass

Found system commands to run.

Since you selected the MySQL option, you need to create
a database named "test_testingthis". In a default MySQL
configuration, any user may create and drop and modify
test_* databases, but some administrators disable this.

run "mysqladmin -uroot -p create test_testingthis"? y

Enter password:
Database "test_testingthis" created.
Moving link program to /var/www/cgi-bin/testingthis.........done.
Copying share/ files to /var/www/html.......................done.
Moving HTML files to /var/www/html/testingthis..............done.
Moving image files to /var/www/html/testingthis/images......done.

Found additional system commands to run.

To enable image upload feature, you need to make a symbolic
link of the image base directory into your catalog directory.


Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2 to server version: 3.22.25

Type 'help' for help.

mysql> use test_testingthis
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit
this has been run on a sql server with no grant tables
(safe_mysqld --skip-grant-tables)

any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
                    Marcel Montes --------------968580099002F55E876A2B76--