[ic] Contribution extension to [table-organize]

Ton Verhagen ton@verhagen.net
Sun, 26 Nov 2000 18:19:41 +0100

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Hello All,

I have added a little code to the [table-organize] usertag.

When columnize=1 is present, the resulting table will be layed out in 
newspaper columns.

Hope you'll find the addition useful.

Ton Verhagen 
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UserTag table-organize Order cols
UserTag table-organize attrAlias columns cols
UserTag table-organize Interpolate
UserTag table-organize addAttr
UserTag table-organize hasEndTag
UserTag table-organize Documentation <<EOD


    usage: [table-organize <options>] [loop ....] <td> [loop-tags] </td>
    [/loop] [/table-organize]

    Takes an unorganized set of table cells and organizes them into rows
    based on the number of columns; it will also break them into separate

    If the number of cells are not on an even modulus of the number of
    columns, then "filler" cells are pushed on.


    cols (or columns)
        Number of columns. This argument defaults to 2 if not present.

        Optional number of rows. Implies "table" parameter.

        If present, will cause a surrounding <TABLE > </TABLE> pair with the
        attributes specified in this option.

        Table <CAPTION> container text, if any. Can be an array.

    td  Attributes for table cells. Can be an array.

    tr  Attributes for table rows. Can be an array.

		Will display cells in (newspaper) column order.
        Adds newline and tab characters to provide some reasonable

        Contents to place in empty cells put on as filler. Defaults to

        Maximum number of cells to use. Truncates extra cells silently.

    The `tr', `td', and `caption' attributes can be specified with indexes;
    if they are, then they will alternate according to the modulus.

    The `td' option array size should probably always equal the number of
    columns; if it is bigger, then trailing elements are ignored. If it is
    smaller, no attribute is used.

    For example, to produce a table that 1) alternates rows with background
    colors `#EEEEEE' and `#FFFFFF', and 2) aligns the columns RIGHT CENTER
    LEFT, do:

                [loop list="1 2 3 1a 2a 3a 1b"] <td> [loop-code] </td> [/loop]

    which will produce:

            <tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
                    <td align=right>1</td>
                    <td align=center>2</td>
                    <td align=left>3</td>
            <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                    <td align=right>1a</td>
                    <td align=center>2a</td>
                    <td align=left>3a</td>
            <tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
                    <td align=right>1b</td>
                    <td align=center>&nbsp;</td>
                    <td align=left>&nbsp;</td>

	If the attribute columnize=1 is present, the result will look like:

            <tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
                    <td align=right>1</td>
                    <td align=center>1a</td>
                    <td align=left>1b</td>
            <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                    <td align=right>2</td>
                    <td align=center>2a</td>
                    <td align=left>&nbsp;</td>
            <tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
                    <td align=right>3</td>
                    <td align=center>3a</td>
                    <td align=left>&nbsp;</td>
    See the source for more ideas on how to extend this tag.

UserTag table-organize Routine <<EOR
sub {
	my ($cols, $opt, $body) = @_;
	$cols = int($cols) || 2;
	$body =~ s/(.*?)(<td)\b/$2/is;
	my $out = $1;
	$body =~ s:(</td>)(?!.*</td>)(.*):$1:is;
	my $postamble = $2;

	my @cells;
	push @cells, $1 while $body =~ s:(<td\b.*?</td>)::is;

	if(int($opt->{limit}) and $opt->{limit} < scalar(@cells) ) {
		splice(@cells, $opt->{limit});

	for(qw/ table/) {
		$opt->{$_} = defined $opt->{$_} ? " $opt->{$_}" : '';

	my @td;

	if(! $opt->{td}) {
		@td = '' x $cols;
	elsif (ref $opt->{td} ) {
		@td = @{$opt->{td}};
		push @td, '' while scalar(@td) < $cols;
	else {
		@td = " $opt->{td}" x $cols;

	my %attr;
	for(qw/caption tr/) {
		if( ! $opt->{$_} ) {
			#do nothing
		elsif (ref $opt->{$_}) {
			$attr{$_} = $opt->{$_};
		else {
			$attr{$_} = [$opt->{$_}];

	my $pretty = $opt->{pretty};

	$opt->{td} =~ s/^(\S)/ $1/;
	$opt->{tr} =~ s/^(\S)/ $1/;

	my @rest;
	my $rows;

	my $rmod;
	my $tmod = 0;
	my $total_mod;

	$opt->{filler} = '&nbsp;' if ! defined $opt->{filler};

	if($rows = int($opt->{rows}) ) {
		$total_mod = $rows * $cols;
		@rest = splice(@cells, $total_mod)
			if $total_mod < @cells;
		$opt->{table} = ' ' if ! $opt->{table};

	my $joiner = $pretty ? "\n\t\t" : "";
	while(@cells) {
		while (scalar(@cells) % $cols) {
			push @cells, "<td>$opt->{filler}</td>";
		if( $opt->{columnize}) {
			my $nr_of_rows = scalar(@cells) / $cols;
			my @tmp = splice(@cells,0);
		    my $index;
		    my $r = 0;

		    while ($r < $nr_of_rows) {
				my $c = 0;
				while ($c < $cols) {
				    $index = $r + $nr_of_rows * $c;
			    	    push @cells, $tmp[$index];

		#$out .= "<!-- starting table tmod=$tmod -->";
		if($opt->{table}) {
			$out .= "<table$opt->{table}>";
			$out .= "\n" if $pretty;
			if($opt->{caption}) {
				my $idx = $tmod % scalar(@{$attr{caption}});
				#$out .= "<!-- caption index $idx -->";
				$out .= "\n" if $pretty;
				$out .= "<CAPTION>" . $attr{caption}[$idx] . "</CAPTION>";
				$out .= "\n" if $pretty;
		$rmod = 0;
		while(@cells) {
			$out .= "\t" if $pretty;
			$out .= "<tr";
			if($opt->{tr}) {
				my $idx = $rmod % scalar(@{$attr{tr}});
				$out .= " " . $attr{tr}[$idx];
			$out .= ">";
			$out .= "\n\t\t" if $pretty;
			my @op =  splice (@cells, 0, $cols);
			if($opt->{td}) {
				for ( my $i = 0; $i < $cols; $i++) {
					$op[$i] =~ s/(<td)/$1 $td[$i]/i;
			$out .= join($joiner, @op);
			$out .= "\n\t" if $pretty;
			$out .= "</tr>";
			$out .= "\n" if $pretty;
		if($opt->{table}) {
			$out .= "</table>";
			$out .= "\n" if $pretty;
		if(@rest) {
			my $num = $total_mod < scalar(@rest) ? $total_mod : scalar(@rest);
			@cells = splice(@rest, 0, $num);
	return $out . $postamble;

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