[ic] restart??

dingdong dingdong.sobida@q-linux.com
Fri, 20 Apr 2001 11:34:33 -0800

You can't start or stop the server with an ftp access. You need a telnet access
the server or you have to be on the server itself. Then you have two options:

1) Login as a any user
     Switch to root access by invoking this command "su -"
     Then it will ask you the root password
     After then you start the interchange server by invoking this command
               "/etc/rc.d/init.d/interchange start"
      Stoping it by
               "/etc/rc.d/init.d/interchange stop"

2) Login as a any user
     Switch to interch account by invoking this command "su interch"
     Then it will ask you the interch password (if any)
     After that you restart the interchange server by invoking this command
               "/usr/sbin/interchange -r "

The "/etc" on the drive you saw is not actually the "/etc" of the root
but rather the "/home/ftp/" which the default directory for ftp access. I'm
guessing you also saw the following directories "pub", "bin", and "lib". If you
then i'm right.


Audio Wizard wrote:

> The catalog directory is within  the root when I ftp in, then I see the ect
> directy as the example given also showed however I dont understand what the
> "rc.d/init.d" is from?