[ic] Update catalog with the update function

joachim.richter joachim.richter@usvideocenter.de
Tue, 24 Apr 2001 22:59:11 +0200

hi list,

i am trying to update the userdb.gdbm with a copy of the textfile userdb.txt (for testing) called luserdb.txt
we are the getting this error message, we are using the interchange database. How come he is missing a key ?

Does anybody know how to do this ?

web1:/usr/local/interchange/bin # ./update -c joe_construct1 -i luserdb.txt -n userdb
Use 'yes' or 'no' for the Static directive

In line 208 of the configuration file 'catalog.cfg':
Static        __CATALOG_STATIC__

Use 'yes' or 'no' for the StaticLogged directive

In line 209 of the configuration file 'catalog.cfg':
StaticLogged  __LOGGED_STATIC__

Key  not found in database userdb.

Lets pretend somebody knows what we are doing wrong :

heres another question
will interchange upon import of changed items to the products database also update the merchandising database i.e. add
new products to both of them ?? Is that possible ??


PS I did not mean to get everybody so mad about the virus warning, i thought it would be a good idea to let you guys know.
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