[ic] strange 4.7.7 error

Corey Gilmore interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Thu Aug 2 18:15:01 2001

Whenever i view any page, i get the following error

[02/August/2001:16:36:25 -0400] profprog /cgi-bin/profprog/admin/ITEM_CONF
search error: Limit subroutine creation: In string, @MV_PAGE now must be
written as \@MV_PAGE at (eval 378) line 1, near "\ball|@@MV_PAGE"
> Global symbol "@MV_PAGE" requires explicit package name at (eval 378)
line 1.

I have moved all my old 4.6.1 regions and templates to a theme directory.
The top of my main region is

[comment]Bounce the user to the login page if required[/comment]
[if scratch members_only]
    [set members_only][/set]
    [if !session logged_in]
    [set mv_successpage]@@MV_PAGE@@[/set]
    [bounce page=login]

Should I just delete [set mv_successpage]@@MV_PAGE@@[/set]?
